Forsyth Tech OneCard
Knowledge Base guides for all things FT OneCard
Submitting your ID photo online
You will need a selfie that meets the following criteria: Photo must begin above top of the head and extend at least to the mid chest. This is minimum. A solid background (acceptable colors would be white, yellow, light blue, or any solid light-colored walls). Must be a color photo, do not use any filters. No scarfs, hats, sunglasses, or other head coverings unless for religious reasons. Must be positioned directly facing the camera. Eyes should be open and looking at the camera. All photos are subject to review and may be rejected if the photo is invalid for any reason. Must be a clear image of student. No one else can be in the photo. After ensuring your picture meets the above criteria, follow the steps below: 1. Go to and click "Sign in" then go to "Profile" in the top ribbon. 2. On the "Personal Information" page, click "Click to submit a new photo." 3. Click "I accept the terms and conditions." 4. Click the box to submit your picture or drag the picture you would like to use into the box. Your picture will be processed and cropped/rotated automatically and determine if your picture met the criteria. 5. After submitting your picture, it will then be processed by Forsyth Tech photo approvers. You will recieve an email when your photo has been approved. You will then be able to specify where you would like to pick up your OneCard, see this knowledge base guide for instructions.
Adding funds to OneCard
Your Forsyth Tech OneCard allows for you to use it at various services around campus such as the bookstore, the grill, vending machines, and more. Below is our guide on adding money to your OneCard. Note: Only Visa and MasterCard are accepted cards for depositing funds. 1. Go to and click "+Add Money" under in the Forsyth Tech Cash box. 2. Select the deposit type you would like to do. A specific amount will add however much you are wanting to add. A balance top-off will add the difference between what you have currently and how much you would like to have in your Forsyth Tech balance. 3. After you have specified the amount of money you would like to deposit, click "Next." You will then be in the Windcave Payment gateway. When you have entered all your card information, click "Submit". 4. After entering your payment information, you will be greeted with the confirmation screen. If everything looks correct, click "Make Deposit." 5. After your payment is accepted, you will see your receipt for deposit as well as receive a copy to your email.
Receiving your OneCard
We offer two methods of receiving your ID, pickup on demand or ship to an offsite. You will need to provide another form of ID to pickup your OneCard at all locations. Pickup on Demand We offer three on-demand printing areas: ITS Support Center on main campus, Allman 106 - Employees Student Success Center on main campus, Robert L Strickland 2414 - Curriculum Students Customer Service front desk at West Campus - Continuing Education Note: Each printing location has the ability to take your photo. If you would prefer to use your own photo, please follow the steps in this knowledge base guide. Pickup at an Offsite Center Ensure you have had your photo approved in via the Online Photo Submission. Click here for our knowledge base guide on submitting your photo. After your photo has been approved, go to and select the center you would like to receive your ID. When your photo has been printed and shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on pickup at the corresponding center. Note: Please allow 3-5 business for the center to receive your ID.
OneCard FAQ
How do I submit my own selfie for my OneCard picture? Refer to this knowledge base guide and make sure to follow the guidelines within the photo submission portal. If your photo follows the criteria, you will receive a "Photo Approved" email. Where do I pickup my OneCard? Refer to this knowledge base guide and pick the option that works best for you. If you immediately need your OneCard, make sure to follow the "Pickup on Demand" instructions. If you can spare the time and have an offsite campus closer to you, you can go through the "Offsite Pickup" instructions. Is there anything I should not do with my OneCard? Do not punch holes in your card. Don’t put stickers on your card. Don’t expose your card to water or extreme heat. Carry your OneCard in your wallet or in a protective card sleeve to keep the magnetic stripe from becoming damaged. How do I add funds to my OneCard/eAccounts? Refer to this knowledge base guide, note that the only card carriers accepted are Visa and Mastercard. The deposit will show up as "FTCC DINING HALL 336-7347293" in your bank statement. Where can I use my OneCard? OneCard can be used to pay for meals at The Grill on main campus, vending machines, Forsyth Tech bookstores, and at other designated locations. What do I do if I lost my OneCard? Make sure to first deactivate the card if there are funds tied to the card, reference this knowledge base guide. Go to the cashiers office on the second floor of the Allman building on main campus and tell them you are paying for a replacement OneCard, then go to the ITS Support Center in Allman 106 and show the desk your receipt to have your ID reprinted. This will cost $5. What do I do if I want to have my card reprinted? Any reprinted card costs $5 and must be reprinted in the ITS Support Center in Allman 106, you will need to have your receipt from the cashiers office prior to having your card reprinted.
Lost/Replacing/Reprinting OneCard
If you have lost your OneCard, someone stole it, or you want to replace it for whatever reason, you will want to immediately deactivate it so funds associated with card cannot be used. Deactivating your card: 1. Go to and login using your TechID. 2. In the top row, click "Card Services" 3. Ensure your card (this will be your ID number) is selected and click "Deactivate Card" If you find your card, you can reactivate it by clicking the "Activate Card" in the top bar and select your card to activate, otherwise you will need to purchase a new one. Obtaining a new OneCard 1. Go to the cashiers office on main campus on the second floor of the Allman building. The cost of a new OneCard is $5. 2. Go to the ITS Support Center in Allman 106 and show the front desk your OneCard reprint receipt. Note: Only the ITS Support Center can issue reprinted OneCards. 3. Your new OneCard will automatically be activated upon printing. If you did not deactivate the card prior to the print, the reprinted ID will deactivate the old card automatically.
Setting up Mobile OneCard on iOS
Mobile ID Setup for iPhone and Apple Watch 1. DOWNLOAD Download the Transact eAccounts Mobile app from the App Store on your iPhone. 2. OPEN Open Transact eAccounts. Click through the startup screens and tap Get Started. 3. SEARCH Search for Forsyth Technical Community College and click through to the login screen. 4. ENTER CREDENTIALS Enter your email address and password to authenticate your device. 5. CLICK TO ADD Once you have successfully authenticated in eAccounts, click the "Add to Apple Wallet" button to add your Mobile ID to Apple Wallet. You can add your Mobile ID to one iPhone and one Apple Watch. Click "iPhone" and continue through the prompts (Next, "Agree to Terms & Conditions"). When the process is complete, the app will send a notification to verify your Mobile ID has been added to Wallet. Tap "Done" in the upper-right corner to return to the Home screen of the app. You can now add your Apple Watch using the same process. Using Mobile ID on Your iPhone The iPhone or Apple Watch must be powered on, but it does not have to be connected to a network. On an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, double-clicking the Home button, tapping the default payment card and selecting the Forsyth Tech Molbile OneCard are needed to enable usage. Then, authenticating with Touch ID and holding the top of iPhone 6 or 6 Plus near the contactless reader will complete a transaction. For iPhones 6S, iPhone 6S Plus and later, Express Mode allows use of the Forsyth Tech Mobile ID without unlocking the device with a passcode, Touch ID, or Face ID. Through iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR, Express Mode with power reserve makes the mobile Forsyth Tech OneCard available for up to five hours after the device’s battery needs to be charged. To display your Mobile ID, open Apple Wallet and select your Forsyth Tech ID from your saved cards. To add funds to your account within eAccounts, please refer to this knowledge base guide.
Setting up Mobile OneCard on Android
Mobile ID Setup for Android Users 1. ENABLE NFC Enable NFC on your phone in your Settings menu. NFC settings can be found in different areas of the Settings menu, depending on your device. A common location is Connected Devices > Connection Settings. (If not found there, use the Search option on the top right to double check.) Toggle the NFC setting to "On." 2. OPEN GOOGLE WALLET Open Google Wallet and make sure it is enabled as the default payment application. If the app prompts you to add a credit card, you can bypass that screen and return to the Google Wallet home screen. 3. DOWNLOAD TRANSACT Download the Transact eAccounts Mobile app from the Google Play Store to your phone. 4. OPEN TRANSACT Open Transact eAccounts, click through the startup screens and tap "Get Started." 5. SEARCH Search for "Forsyth Technical Community College" and click through to the login screen. 6. ENTER CREDENTIALS Enter your email address and password to authenticate your device. 7. ADD TO GOOGLE WALLET Once you have successfully authenticated in eAccounts, click the "Add to Google Wallet" button to add your Mobile ID to Google Wallet. Continue through the prompts. Next, Accept the Forsyth Technical Community College Terms & Conditions. Accept the Google Wallet Terms of Service. The next screen will confirm that the ID has been added to Google Wallet. Using Mobile OneCard on Android You do not need to unlock your phone, but the screen must be awake to use your Mobile OneCard. Tap the power button to wake the screen and tap the back of your phone against the reader. Note, the antenna location may vary by device, although it is often in the middle of the phone. As a result, you may have to adjust the orientation of your phone against the reader to have your mobile credential recognized. To display your Mobile OneCard, open the Transact eAccounts app and select the "View in Google Wallet" icon.