Upload Files and Folders to OneDrive
1. Sign in to Office 365 @ 2. Select the app launcher , and then select OneDrive. 3. Choose Upload > Files from the menu if you are uploading individual files. 4. Choose Upload > Folder from the menu if you are uploading an entire folder. 5. Navigate to and select the file/folder you are trying to upload. File(s): Folder: 6. Select Open. Your file(s) will upload in the background. Once this process is complete the page will reload and display your latest OneDrive storage page.
Recover Deleted Files from OneDrive
You can recover files that you accidentally deleted from your OneDrive for Business account by following these instructions. 1. Sign in to OneDrive using your TechID and password - 2. Select Recycle Bin 3. Select the file you want to restore and select Restore.
How to check file storage usage in OneDrive
Forsyth Tech provides all students and employees with 1 TB of file storage in OneDrive. Follow these steps to view how much storage you are using and how much you have left. 1. Sign in to OneDrive using your TechID and password. 2. From within OneDrive, click the Settings (gear) icon in the upper right corner. 3. Select Site Settings. 4. Under the heading "Site Collection Administration", select Storage Metrics. 5. In the top right corner, you will see your total storage usage.
Restore Previous Version of Document in OneDrive
With online version history, you can see and restore older versions of all your files in your OneDrive. Version history works with all file types, including PDFs, CAD files, photos, and videos. If you need to, you might be able to Restore Deleted OneDrive Files. 1. Sign in to OneDrive using your TechID and password. 2. Right-click the document for which you want to restore an earlier version, and then click Version history. 3. Version history appears in the Details Pane. Select the ellipses (...) next to the version of the document that you want to restore, and then click Restore. 4. If you see a confirmation message, click OK. The document version you selected becomes the current version. The previous current version becomes the previous version in the list.
Personal OneDrive Setup
A personal OneDrive account should only be used to store personal files. Use your Forsyth Tech OneDrive for Business account to store Forsyth Tech documents and files. Create a personal OneDrive account 1. Go to and select Sign up for free. 2. Select Create a Microsoft account. 3. Type your personal email address and the password you want to use, and select Next. NOTE: Do not use for Forsyth Tech email address. Or select Use a phone number instead, enter your phone number, and select Next. If you use a phone number, you’ll receive a code on your phone. Enter the code, and then select Next. Setup Office to save files to personal OneDrive 1. Open Microsoft Word. 2. Create a new blank document. 3. Select File > Save As. 4. Select Add a Place 5. Select OneDrive 6. Enter your personal OneDrive account email and password. 7. You will now have a OneDrive - Personal area to save your personal documents to. Other helpful guides: What is OneDrive Sign in or Create an account OneDrive basics Set up Onedrive on your phone or tablet Use the OneDrive mobile app
Map Shared OneDrive Library to Windows
If you are part of an Office 365 group with a shared OneDrive, you can map it to your computer similar to how your work account OneDrive is setup. It will appear in the left-hand menu of your file explorer allowing for easy collaboration. Preliminary: Make sure you have access to the Office 365 group. If you do not, you will need to ask the group owner to add you. 1. Go to and look on the left-hand pane for “Shared Libraries.” 2. Click the library you would like to map to your computer, in this example we will select “ITSSC.” On the next screen you will want to select the “Documents” folder. 3. In this folder, you should see the options for “New”, “Upload”, “Flow”, and “Sync”. We will want to Sync this library. This should attempt to Launch Microsoft OneDrive. Select “Open Link”. 4. A OneDrive prompt menu should pop up asking what files/folders you would like to sync. Select the ones applicable to your needs, or select all of them. Then select “Start Sync”. 5. After you start the sync, the folder will now appear in your file explorer as seen below. The buildings distuingish it from your account’s OneDrive.
Sharing a File via OneDrive
Visit OneDrive via Techlink. Select the file you wish to share by clicking on the radio button on the left hand side of the button. At the top of the page, you will see a Share button. Click on this option. Once you click on the Share button, a popup will appear as shown below: In the To: field, start typing the email addresses or contact names of people you want to share with. When you begin to enter info in the box, you can also choose a contact from the list that appears. Add a note to recipients if you want. Click Send once complete.