Start a Recording with Universal Capture
Universal Capture has been designed with an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to create an ad hoc recording or impromptu lecture to supplement your in-class materials. NOTE: When using Universal Capture with a managed device (Pro, Pod, or UC: Classroom), you cannot start an ad hoc capture within five minutes of the next scheduled recording. The scheduled capture requires a "preroll" period before it can begin, and clicking Record will start the upcoming scheduled recording early. Creating an ad hoc recording using Universal Capture When creating an ad hoc recording with Universal Capture, you can select the section you want to publish to by editing the Capture Details. Once you have selected a section, you can then choose to either create a new class or publish to a pre-existing class that has no video/audio media in it. You may need to edit the class details or availability after the capture is published. In addition, captures are immediately available to students when published. Universal Capture then remembers the last section selected for publishing when doing multiple ad hoc recordings, but not the Class selection. If no section is selected, Universal Capture will publish recordings to your Library by default. If the Universal Capture UI is opened and an ad hoc recording is not started, after 20 minutes of inactivity the input previews will stop and you will need to manually resume previewing. To start a capture Launch Universal Capture. Log in (if not already authenticated). Select the inputs you want to capture. Audio is always required. You can select to capture display and video, two display inputs, or two video inputs besides the audio. Universal Capture will initially preselect inputs for you based on any available devices and then remember the last inputs chosen. Preview the inputs on the screen, to be sure they will record properly. Click the pencil icon or title to launch the Capture Details dialog box. Enter a Title, add a Description or Tags, select a Publishing and Class location, and choose whether or not to Live Stream the recording if desired. Otherwise, the following default information will be used: Title: Untitled Description: Blank Tags: Blank Publish Location: Library Your Library is the default publishing location when first using Universal Capture, afterward, it will remember the last Publishing location chosen. Class: New Class Class selection is only available when publishing to an active course/section. Live: OFF You MUST select a section for the capture if live streaming. Saving your Capture Details is disabled when Live streaming is toggled without selecting a publishing location. See Live Streaming with Universal Capture for more details. If applicable, enter a Duration for the capture. NOT for UC: Personal, see the section below. NOTE that the Duration field is limited by upcoming scheduled captures. You will be warned of conflicts and ongoing ad hoc captures will automatically stop to allow any scheduled capture to occur. Click Save to return to the Preview screen. Click Record. A countdown appears after which the Universal Capture window minimizes and the capture begins. See Controlling a Capture for details on additional options during a recording. The recording is completed and finishes uploading to the Echo360 server to complete processing. You will receive an email notification when processing is finished. Universal Capture recordings are available for viewing and editing while processing. Managed Universal Capture Specifics The default length of an ad hoc recording is 1 hour when using any managed Universal Capture device (Pro, Pod, or UC: Classroom). All ad hoc recordings will start with this default length and countdown the remaining time. You can, however, extend the recording or modify it beforehand using the Capture Details screen. The amount of time you can extend by is determined by both upcoming scheduled recordings and the overall capture length (maximum 8-hour capture length). If there is an interruption in the recording such as a power loss, logging out, a device reboot, etc. Universal Capture will continue to attempt to record for the full capture length even if UC: Classroom has been closed. Universal Capture also handles device interruptions where a device could become unplugged or unavailable and will fall back to a secondary input, if available. Universal Capture Personal Specifics In UC: Personal, there is no default length for recordings. This means that there is no recording progress bar at the bottom of the UI like there is in UC: Classroom. Instead, there is a timer that counts up which displays the current recording length. This also means that there are no extension options available. If a recording is not Finished (stopped) and the application is not closed, it will record for the maximum 8-hour capture length for VOD or maximum 4-hour capture length for Live. Universal Capture: Personal will handle device interruptions where a device could become unplugged or unavailable and will fall back to a secondary input, if available. However, if the application is closed, a user logs out, etc., any ongoing recording will be considered completed and upload to Echo360 for processing. A portion retrieved from:
Download Echo360 via Website
Download the Installer Log into Echo360. Click the Settings menu to open it and select Downloads, as shown in the below figure. Click the Download link from the Universal Capture section of your choice from the Downloads page, shown below. The installer must be run locally, so save the file to your computer. Install the Program The Universal Capture Download link downloads a .dmg (Disk Image) or .msi for installation purposes. Use the steps below to install Universal Capture. Use Local Directories for Installation! The Universal Capture installation and data directories must be on the local drive; they cannot be located on a network, remote (mapped), or USB thumb drive. Use the defaults provided during installation. To install Universal Capture on a Mac Universal Capture on the Mac does not allow for custom installation directories, which may conflict with programs like Faronics Deep Freeze. Universal Capture must be installed to the default Macintosh HD. Locate the downloaded Universal Capture Installer .dmg file. It should be located in the Downloads folder (Finder > Downloads). Double-click the .dmg file to mount the image and begin the installation process. A new Finder window should appear showing the .dmg contents. Double-click the UniversalCapture.pkg file to launch the installer. Once the installer is launched, follow the prompts to the complete installation. To install Universal Capture on a Windows PC If, during installation, you choose to install to a custom directory, note the following requirements: The program directory and data directory must be different. The application cannot be installed at the root of any drive. The folder(s) chosen as the target installation directories must be empty or non-existent. Locate the downloaded Universal Capture Installer .msi file. It should be located in the Downloads folder by default. Double-click the .msi file to begin the installation process. Once the installer is launched, follow the prompts to the complete installation. After Universal Capture is installed, launch it. Log in and run a test capture to ensure it works as expected. If it does, you may delete the downloaded installer file and unmount the disk image. NOTE that when Universal Capture is first launched (after installation) it takes approximately 2-5 minutes for the application to establish a connection to your Institution and make sure that the latest software is being used. During this time a loading screen will be displayed that will disappear once the connection is established. This is a good time to create the Room assignment if using Classroom mode. Retrieved from:
Download Echo360 via Company Portal
To install Universal Capture on a Windows PC using the Company Portal **Only employee issued FTCC Windows laptops can install Echo360 via the company portal. Launch the company portal. Type Company Portal into the windows search field. Once the company portal is launched, find the Echo360 app. Find it under the Newest Apps Search for it using the search box Select the "Echo360 app" to be brought to the Overview page. Click the "Install" button in the top right-hand corner. Wait for the download/ install to occur in the background. Once the install is complete, close the company portal. Launch Echo360 Universal Capture from the desktop icon.
Getting Students Started in Echo 360
This article is designed to point you in the right direction for getting around in our interface. All of the links here are set to open in a new tab, so that you can easily return here to get to more information if you need it. Beyond the information and links below, you may also want to check out the Student How To Videos article, for links to tutorial videos for some of the basic Student functionality. First, let's figure out how YOU get into Echo360. Accessing Courses/Classes If you come in through an LMS/VLE such as Blackboard, or Canvas, or Moodle, you might end up on the Class List for your course/section. It looks like this: From here you can click on a class to enter the classroom. The Class List is generally known as the "home page" for the course. And there's more to courses than just classes, including a Q&A or discussions feature, the ability to take notes and review your study guide, and search across the section for something specific. If the link to Echo from the LMS/VLE goes directly into a Class (also called a Classroom), it might look something like below. This is also what you see if you click on one of the classes in the class list shown above: The Classroom has all kinds of things in it beyond the media published there. If all you want to do is view the video and presentation, that's fine too. But take a look at Using Classroom Tools for a description of all those icons and what they do. Or just click on them; you won't break anything. If you log directly into Echo360, you probably land on the Echo360 Library page. This is your media library and shows all of the content you have access to. Click on Courses from the top menu to view the courses you are enrolled in (with most recent term's courses shown first). Click on one of the Course tiles to open the Class List. Then look at the earlier part of this article to see about the Class List. Your Content Library If you are or plan to use your Echo360 content library to hold media, you will want to become familiar with the Library page in Echo360. The media here can be shared with other users including your instructors, put into Groups, or to submitted for homework assignments. If you do not have the Library option, as shown above, your Administrator has the Student Library turned off. And you can skip this section. From anywhere in Echo360, click Library from the top menu bar. This is where ALL the media you have access to OUTSIDE of a classroom lives. If you're new to Echo360, it will probably be empty. It is where you can upload files to share. It is where you can go to edit these files in Echo360. It is where any copies you make of Class media shows up. It is where you can view media that other users have shared with you. It is where any captures you might create using Universal Capture: Personal will appear once they have been uploaded. The Library page is where media you submit for an LMS/VLE Echo360 Homework Assignment must come from. (The homework submission process allows you to upload a file or create one using UC Personal, then submit it, all in one set of steps, so you may not even need to do these things separately, but you can.) All media management is done in the Library page of Echo360.) Accessing Echo360 Groups The Groups page is where you can access any Groups you may be a member of. From wherever you are (the Class List, for example), click Groups from the top menu. This opens the Groups page, which shows all the groups you are a member of. Again, if you are new to Echo360, this page is likely to be empty at first. Just like courses or media, click on the tile to enter the group. From there you can view the media posted in it, or if you have group management rights, add media, remove media, or add/remove/change rights of members of the group. Using the Mobile App Finally, as a Student, you have access to the Echo360 Mobile App that you can use to view your class media, ask questions, and take notes on the go. While using the App is fairly straightforward, there are a few things you need to know about using it, especially if you access Echo360 through an LMS/VLE. You need to create an Echo360 password: Students who enter Echo360 through a link in their LMS/VLE are simply passed into Echo360. We have your email address but you don't have a password. The Mobile App requires you to log in, and that means having an Echo360 password. It can be the same as or different than your LMS/VLE password, as long as it meets the complexity requirements. While in Echo360, click the Settings icon and select Account Settings. There you should find a great big CREATE button. Use this to create your Echo360 password. LMS/VLE Students cannot use the Mobile App exclusively: While the Echo360 mobile app is convenient, you do need to access Echo360 through the links in the LMS/VLE at least once if your instructor exports grades from Echo360 to the LMS Gradebook. This simple one-time pass through establishes your presence in that LMS/VLE section and allows US to know that your user should receive gradebook data for each link. If your instructor configures a single link to the main course class list, you can pass through that link once and use the Echo360 mobile app after that. If your instructor configures multiple links into separate classrooms, you will need to enter those classes through each of those LMS/VLE links at least one time to be sure you get gradebook data exported from Echo360 for your class participation. Retrieved from:
Adding the Echo360 Tool Link to Blackboard Courses
In order for students to access Echo360 content, an Instructor or an Admin must add an Echo360 content link to the course. Who can do this? A Blackboard Admin can do this for all courses, or an Instructor can do this for their own courses. Handy Tip: At the bottom of this page is a procedure for adding the Echo360 Link to the left navigation. This may be more convenient than requiring students/instructors to click Content then click the Echo360 link. To add the Echo360 LTI tool link to courses Log in to Blackboard as an administrator OR instructor. Navigate to a course. Click Content from the Course navigation in the left panel. Click Build Content, to open the content menu, then select the Echo360 LTI tool (it should be clearly named). In the Create content page, enter a Name that makes it clear this is the link for Echo360 class content. This Name will be the text of the link that users will click to access their Echo360 content. You may also want to add a Description, to make it clear this is the link to Echo360 classroom content. This is optional. In the Grading Options section of the create content form, enter 100 for Points Possible (Echo360 exports analytics as percentages). Complete the other options at your discretion. Note that setting Visible to Students as "No" means that you can configure the link but students will not see it until you set this to "Yes". When finished, click Submit. The link should now appear (with the given name) in the Content page. You (Admin or Instructor) can now click the link and configure it using the below instructions. BE ADVISED that until the target Echo360 section is selected, students will see a message indicating that the section has not yet been activated. Completing the Blackboard Link into Echo360 Quick instructions for configuring the assignments link into Echo360. If you need more detailed instructions, see Linking LMS Courses to Echo360 Sections (Class List) or Linking LMS Courses to Individual Classes/Classrooms. Click the link to Echo360 you just created. Use the drop-down list(s) to select the Echo360 section you want to link to. Select Link to the Section Home to link students directly to the section class list. OR Select Link to a Classroom to link students directly into a Class in the section, then select which class. Click LINK CONTENT to complete the configuration.
Embedding Echo360 Media into Blackboard
In order to use the Embed Echo360 Video Library option, a Blackboard Administrator must have installed the Echo360 video library building block for Blackboard AND if appropriate configured the system to allow Students to embed Echo360 videos If you encounter an error like that shown in the below figure, it simply means that your Administrator needs to update your Echo360 building block to the newest version (1.0.13 as of this publishing). You can still submit the embed and it will embed the selected media. The error is simply noting that there is no placeholder or preview for the selected item. . If a Blackboard Admin has installed it for your institution and enabled it for courses, Echo360 provides an Echo360 Video Library option in the Add Content tool list. Echo360 sometimes also refers to this to as an "easy-embed" option. This option provides the ability to: Embed audio, video, or interactive media from your Echo360 library directly into the Blackboard content window. Enter a URL link for a piece of Library media into the Blackboard content window. Upload media then embed it (or provide a URL link) as a single process. Create media by launching Universal Capture, create a capture, then embed it as a single process. The Echo360 Video Library option in the Add Content Tool list for any Blackboard content window (shown in the below figure) provides access to all of these features. LMS-Embedded videos provide view data such as view counts, view duration, and heatmap data, as shown in the Analytics tab of the media details page of the video. Furthermore, the views can be attributed to unique viewers and as such are counted as Unique Views in the analytics data provided. Embedding Existing Echo360 Media into a Content Window The steps below are for embedding media already resident in your Library into the content window. You must OWN the media you want to embed or you must be an Echo360 administrator with access to some set of media in the system. If you need to add the video to Echo360 first, or create a new video using Universal Capture, see the instructions later on this page. To embed existing Echo360 media into a content window Log in to Blackboard. Open the Course in Blackboard or other location where you want to post the video. If necessary, click the Mode icon for the course and Turn Editing On (in the top right corner of the page). Find the type of content item you want and create it. The figure below shows a Module page being added to the Course Content. In the Create screen that appears, enter a Name that describes the video you are adding. In the Toolbar for the Content area of the window, click the Add Content button as identified in the below figure. If you do not SEE this button, click the button with three dots to expand the content window toolbar. From the Add Content tool list, select Echo360 Video Library as shown in the figure earlier on this page. A dialog box appears with the Choose From My Home tab active, listing the videos you own, or for admins, the videos you have access to. If you need to upload a video to embed, click the Upload Existing Media tab, and refer to the instructions later on this page. If you want to create a new video to embed, click the Create New Media tab to launch Universal Capture, and refer to the instructions later on this page. If necessary, use the Search Content text box and/or Filters options to find the video you want to embed into the window. Click Reset to clear any search/filters as needed. Select the video you want to embed. The row expands to show additional embedding options. If you plan to post a URL link to the video instead of embedding the video directly into the content page, see Posting a Video Link in an LMS content window instructions later on this page. From the Select size drop-down list, select the size you want for the embedded video. There are three size options. If appropriate, enable the option to Autoplay the video (it will play as soon as a user opens the page you are embedding it into). If you enable Autoplay, Automute is automatically enabled, to accommodate browsers that no longer allow autoplay with sound. You CAN enable Automute separately without Autoplay. If appropriate, set a Start At time. If set, the video will begin playing at that timestamp, although viewers will be able to rewind/fast-forward the player to view any segment of the embedded video. When finished, click INSERT. A preview of the inserted video appears inside the content area. Complete whatever remaining fields are on the Page you are adding, then click Submit. Once the item is added, students can open the page and view the embedded video. If you selected Autoplay or Start At configurations for the video, those are enacted for the user upon viewing. Uploading a Video to Embed into a Content Window The steps below are for uploading a video to Echo360 then embedding the new upload into the content window. Most of the procedural steps are identical to embedding an existing Echo360 video, with the exception of being able to upload the video first, before selecting it from your existing content list. To upload and then embed an Echo360 video into a content window Log in to Blackboard. Open the Course in Blackboard or other location where you want to post the video. If necessary, click the Mode icon for the course and Turn Editing On (in the top right corner of the page). Find the type of content item you want and create it. The figure below shows a Module page being added to the Course Content. In the Create screen that appears, enter a Name that describes the video you are adding. In the Toolbar for the Content area of the window, click the Add Content button as identified in the below figure. If you do not SEE this button, click the button with three dots to expand the content window toolbar. From the Add Content tool list, select Echo360 Video Library as shown in the figure earlier on this page. From the media selection dialog box that appears, select the Upload Existing Media tab, as shown in the below figure. Click Select Media. The dialog box changes to allow you to upload from your local machine (this is the default). To select to upload from a shared drive location (such as OneDrive), click the appropriate icon from the list on the left side of the dialog box. Follow the options to find and select the video to upload to Echo360 for embedding into your LMS content window. Click Upload. Once the file is uploaded, you are returned to the media list in the Choose from My Home tab, with the newly uploaded video selected by default, as shown in the below figure. NOTICE that the video may not have a preview thumbnail; this is because the video is still being processed by Echo360. How long this takes is partially dependent on the size of the video. If you plan to post a URL link to the video instead of embedding the video directly into the content page, see Posting a Video Link in a Content Window later on this page. From the Select size drop-down list, select the size you want for the embedded video. After selecting a size, you have the option to Autoplay the video (it will play as soon as a user opens the page you are embedding it into). If you enable Autoplay, Automute is automatically enabled, to accommodate browsers that no longer allow autoplay with sound. You CAN enable Automute separately without Autoplay. If appropriate, set a Start At time. If set, the video will begin playing at that timestamp, although viewers will be able to rewind/fast-forward the player to view any segment of the embedded video. When finished, click INSERT. Complete whatever remaining fields are on the Page you are adding, then click Submit. The published version of the newly uploaded video may show that the video is currently processing, as shown in the below figure. Once processing complete, the embedded video will appear. If you selected Autoplay or Start At configurations for the video, those will be enacted for the viewer on playback. Launching Universal Capture to Create Media to Embed One option from the Embed Media dialog box is to launch Universal Capture and create a new capture, then select to embed the new video directly into the Blackboard content window. If Universal Capture is already installed on the computer, it will automatically open to the Preview screen. If Universal Capture is not installed or detected on the computer, you are given the option to install it (for students, UC downloads must be enabled), then return to the Embed Media window to launch the application. To create media to embed into a content window Log in to Blackboard. Open the Course in Blackboard or other location where you want to post the video. If necessary, click the Mode icon for the course and Turn Editing On (in the top right corner of the page). Find the type of content item you want and create it. The figure below shows a Module page being added to the Course Content. In the Create screen that appears, enter a Name that describes the video you are adding. In the Toolbar for the Content area of the window, click the Add Content button as identified in the below figure. If you do not SEE this button, click the button with three dots to expand the content window toolbar. From the Add Content tool list, select Echo360 Video Library as shown in the figure earlier on this page. From the media selection dialog box that appears, select the Create Media tab, as shown in the below figure. Click Launch Universal Capture. If Universal Capture is installed on the computer, a window opens, allowing you to select your inputs and start recording whenever you are ready. If Universal Capture is not installed or detected on the computer, you are given the option to install it, then returned to the Embed Media window to launch the application. When you are finished recording, click Finish. Once the file is uploaded, you are returned to the media list in the Choose from My Home tab, with the newly uploaded video selected by default, as shown in the below figure. NOTICE that the video may not have a preview thumbnail; this is because the video is still being processed by Echo360. How long this takes is partially dependent on the size of the video. If you plan to post a URL link to the video instead of embedding the video directly into the content page, see Posting a Video Link in a Content Window later on this page. From the Select size drop-down list, select the size you want for the embedded video. After selecting a size, you have the option to Autoplay the video (it will play as soon as a user opens the page you are embedding it into). If you enable Autoplay, Automute is automatically enabled, to accommodate browsers that no longer allow autoplay with sound. You CAN enable Automute separately without Autoplay. If appropriate, set a Start At time. If set, the video will begin playing at that timestamp, although viewers will be able to rewind/fast-forward the player to view any segment of the embedded video. When finished, click INSERT. Complete whatever remaining fields are on the Page you are adding, then click Submit. The published version of the newly created video may show that the video is currently processing. Once processing complete, the embedded video will appear. If you selected Autoplay or Start At configurations for the video, those will be enacted for the viewer on playback. Posting a Video Link into a Content Window The below procedure inserts a URL link for the video into the content window instead of embedding the video. A URL Link (also referred to as a Public Link or a Video Link) opens the video in a player outside of the LMS page where it resides (often in a new browser tab). Most of the procedural steps are identical to embedding an existing Echo360 video, with the exception of selecting the Link option instead of the available embedding options (Size, Autoplay, Start At). LMS-posted public links, like LMS-embedded videos provide view data such as view counts and heatmap data, as shown in the Analytics tab of the media details page of the video. Furthermore, as long as the user is logged into the LMS, the views can be attributed to unique viewers and as such are counted as Unique Views in the analytics data provided. To insert a URL link to an Echo360 video into a content window Log in to Blackboard. Open the Course in Blackboard or other location where you want to post the video. If necessary, click the Mode icon for the course and Turn Editing On (in the top right corner of the page). Find the type of content item you want and create it. The figure below shows a Module page being added to the Course Content. In the Create screen that appears, enter a Name that describes the video you are adding. In the Toolbar for the Content area of the window, click the Add Content button as identified in the below figure. If you do not SEE this button, click the button with three dots to expand the content window toolbar. From the Add Content tool list, select Echo360 Video Libraryas shown in the figure earlier on this page. If you need to upload a video to link to, click the Upload Existing Media tab, and refer to the instructions above on this page. If necessary, use the Search Content text box and/or Filter by drop-down lists to find the video whose link you want to place in the window. Click Reset to clear any search/filters as needed. Select the video you want to link. The row expands to show additional options. Enable the Link toggle, located below the Size drop-down list, as shown in the below figure. Notice that the embed options are grayed out once the Link toggle is enabled. Click INSERT. Complete whatever remaining fields are on the Page you are adding, then click Submit. The URL Video link is entered into the content window. The link posted uses the Video title as the text for the link; it does not post the full URL. Once the item is published, users can click the video link, and playback will open in a new browser tab or window. Retrieved from:
Submitting an Echo360 Video for your Blackboard Assignment
If your Instructor has posted an Assignment in Blackboard and requested you submit an Echo360 video as a response, use the below instructions to select and submit a video from your content library. You can also upload and submit a video as a single process through the same interface. You may also be able to create copies of class media to add to your library, or create copies of shared media if that is an appropriate way to get the media you need into your content library. The steps are the same as embedding any Echo360 video into Blackboard, but this time it is done as a part of submitting an Assignment. If Blackboard has been configured to do so, once you submit a video for a Blackboard assignment, it is locked and cannot be edited or deleted. You can create a copy of the video or download it. An Echo360 administrator can delete the video if necessary. Helpful Tip: You MAY find the easiest way to create video content is through the Echo360 Mobile Apps. Specifically, the Mobile Apps allow you to Upload a video from your phone or tablet into your content library. If you are not already a Mobile Apps user, you may need to create an Echo360 password to use with them first (Settings icon > Account Settings > Create Password). Submitting an Existing Echo360 Video for a Homework Assignment The below procedure submits a video YOU OWN (it appears in My Content tab of your Echo360 Home page) as a Blackboard assignment. You can also upload and submit a video from your local machine or a shared cloud drive if necessary (instructions later on this page). To submit an existing Echo360 video for a Blackboard Assignment Log in to Blackboard as a student then navigate into a course. Click Content on the left. Find and select the Assignment you want to respond to. In the Assignment Submission page, click Write Submission identified in the below figure. This opens a Text Submission box for the assignment. In the Text Submission box, click the Add Content button as identified in the below figure. If you do not SEE this button, click the button with three dots to expand the content window toolbar. From the Add Content tool list, select Echo360 Video Library as shown below. A dialog box appears with the Choose From My Home tab active, listing the videos you own, that appear in the My Content tab of your Echo360 Home page. Scroll through the list to find the video you want to embed. If you need to upload a video to embed, click the Upload Existing Media tab, and refer to the instructions later on this page. Select the video you want to embed. This expands the entry. Click Insert to submit this video for the assignment. The Text Submission box changes and shows the embedded video in it, as shown below. Enter any comments, attach other files, or include text with the video in the Text Submission box, if appropriate to complete the assignment request. If you wish to CHANGE the video submitted, select the video and delete it and then repeat the above embedding steps. When finished, click Submit. If you do not enter any text or attachments along with the embedded video, you will see the following warning message; click OK to submit the video without additional items. You will see a confirmation of your assignment submission along with a confirmation number on the Blackboard page. Note that number if necessary. IMPORTANT: Once a video is submitted for an assignment is locked in Echo360; you cannot edit or delete the video in Echo360. You can make a copy of it if you need an editable version. The next time you open the Assignment page, you should see your submitted video along with any additional text, comments, or attachments you may have provided. Uploading a Video to Submit for a Homework Assignment The steps below are for uploading a video to Echo360 then submitting it through the Echo360 Blackboard assignment feature. Most of the procedural steps are identical to submitting an existing Echo360 video, with the exception of being able to upload the video first, then selecting it from your content list. To upload and then embed an Echo360 video into a content window Log in to Blackboard as a student then navigate into a course. Click Content on the left. Find and select the Assignment you want to respond to. In the Assignment Submission page, click Write Submission identified in the below figure. This opens a Text Submission box for the assignment. In the Toolbar for the Content area of the window, click the Add Content button as identified in the below figure. If you do not SEE this button, click the button with three dots to expand the content window toolbar. From the Add Content tool list, select Echo360 Video Library as shown below. From the media selection dialog box that appears, select the Upload Existing Media tab, as shown in the below figure. Click Select Media. The dialog box changes to allow you to upload from your local machine (this is the default). To select to upload from a shared drive location (such as Dropbox or Google Drive), click the icon on the left that corresponds with the location of the file. Follow the options to find and select the video to upload to Echo360 for submitting as an assignment response. Click Upload. Once the file is uploaded, you are returned to the media list in the Choose from My Home tab, with the newly uploaded video selected by default, as shown in the below figure. NOTICE that the video may not have a preview thumbnail; this is because the video is still being processed by Echo360. How long this takes is partially dependent on the size of the video. Click Insert to submit this video for the assignment. The Text Submission box changes and shows the embedded video in it. Note that you may see a placeholder for the video while it is processing, as shown below. Once the video has completed processing, it will be available to view. Enter any comments, attach other files, or include text with the video in the Text Submission box, if appropriate to complete the assignment request. If you wish to CHANGE the video submitted, select the video and delete it and then repeat the above embedding steps. When finished, click Submit. If you do not enter any text or attachments along with the embedded video, you will see the following warning message; click OK to submit the video without additional items. You will see a confirmation of your assignment submission along with a confirmation number on the Blackboard page. Note that number if necessary. IMPORTANT: Once a video is submitted for an assignment is locked in Echo360; you cannot edit or delete the video in Echo360. You can make a copy of it if you need an editable version. The next time you open the Assignment page, you should see your submitted video along with any additional text, comments, or attachments you may have provided. Uploaded videos will be playable once they have finished processing.
Record Zoom Meeting to an Echo360 Course
1. Set up Zoom Meetings to automatically add to an Echo360 course. Navigation: Select profile icon (at the top right-hand corner) > select Zoom Settings (on the left-hand side) > If you don't see your meeting select "Reload My Zoom Meeting List" > Select the Drop menu under "Echo360 section" for the desired Zoom Meeting > choose the correct Echo360 course, which relates to the Blackboard Course using Echo360. **If you do not see your course this means an Echo360 course has not been established for the active semester, please navigate to the course in Blackboard, add the Echo360 navigation link and use the link to navigate to Echo360** 2. Will Re-occurring Zoom Meetings Overwrite the Previous Recording? Answer: No, re-occurring Zoom Meetings will not overwrite or erase previous Zoom Meeting. Each recording will have a timestamp that will make it a unique recording. Please note, the title of the recording is the title of the Zoom Meeting so all recordings in Echo360 will have the same name and may require renaming for ease of student use.
Take Attendance in a Zoom Meeting
Here is an article that shows how to take attendance in a Zoom meeting: Zoom gives users the option to require attendees to register for Zoom meetings. You can ask for things like name and email, and set custom questions. This also increases your meeting’s security. Here’s how to enable attendee registration for Zoom Meetings. Here’s aa few notes, however, before we get started. First, this option is only available to licensed users, which makes sense because you’d only use this feature in business meetings anyway. Also, you can’t use your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) for meetings that require attendee registration, though we recommend you never use your PMI for business meetings. Enable Attendee Registration In your web browser, sign in to Zoom and select the “Meetings” tab in the “Personal” group of the left-hand pane. RELATED: How to Set Up a Zoom Meeting Now, you’ll need to schedule a meeting (or edit an existing one). In this case, we’ll schedule a new one, so we’ll select “Schedule A New Meeting.” You’ll now enter all of the general information required for scheduled meetings, such as the meeting name, duration, and meeting’s date/time. This menu is also where we enable the Attendee Registration option. About halfway down the page, you’ll find the “Registration” option. Check the box next to “Required” to enable the feature. Finally, select “Save” at the bottom of the screen when you’re finished adjusting the other scheduled meeting settings. Registration Options Once you save your scheduled meeting from the previous step, you’ll be in the meeting’s overview screen. At the bottom of the menu, you’ll see a “Registration” tab. Select the “Edit” button next to “Registration Options.” The “Registration” window will appear. You’ll find three tabs: Registration, Questions, and Custom Questions. In the “Registration” tab, you can adjust Approval and Notification options, as well as a few other settings. For example, you can select if you want to automatically or manually approve registrants, and have a confirmation email sent to you (the host) when someone registers. You can also close registration after the meeting date, allow attendees to join from multiple devices, and display social share buttons on the Registration page. Adjust the settings accordingly, then head over to the “Questions” tab. Here, you can (1) select which fields you’d like to appear in the registration form, and (2) if the field is required or not. Here is a list of the available fields in the “Questions” tab. Note that the first name and email address are already required fields. Last Name Address City Country/Region Zip/Postal Code State/Province Phone Industry Organization Job Title Purchasing Time Frame Role in Purchase Process Number of Employees Questions & Comments Once you’re finished here, move to the “Custom Questions” tab. You can now create your own questions to add to the registration form. You can give the registrants the freedom to leave any answer or limit it to a multiple-choice format. When you’re finished writing your questions, select “Create.” Finally, select “Save All” in the bottom-right corner of the window. Now, anyone who receives the link invitation to this Zoom meeting will be required to complete the registration form.
Initial Blackboard Course Connection to Echo360
Configure a Course Tool to Echo360 in the left-navigation Log into Blackboard and navigate to the course where you want to add the left-navigation link. Click the Plus sign (+) located above the Course navigation list, and select Tool link as identified in the below figure. In the Add Tool Link dialog box that appears, enter a Name for the link. Be sure the name you provide clearly identifies this as the link that students are to use to view the Echo360 classes and course recordings. Use the Type drop-down list to select the Echo360 Course Tool created by your Administrator. Enable the Available to Users checkbox. This makes the link available to students. Alternately you can leave this checkbox blank for now, then use the Show Link option AFTER you map the link to Echo360. Click Submit. The link is created and established in the left navigation of this course. The next step is to MAP this link to an Echo360 section, providing access to the Echo360 course recordings and other materials. Brief instructions for mapping are below. Map Blackboard Course to an Echo360 section 1. Select the Echo360 Class Recordings link in your Blackboard Course 2. A new browser tab will open to the "Connect your Echo360 Content" window. Select the drop-down arrow and choose the correct term. The correct term is the term your course is in or will take place in. Select a course; your course will be listed already for you, simply search for the course name. Note: The course name may not have dashes or be slightly different, using the search function may not find it immediately. 3. For the section, select the drop down and click "Create a new Section". A new window will appear as shown below: In this section, list the section that it is (i.e. 120, 155 course, so on) and click Save. 4. You will then be asked where you would like your students to be redirected. You may choose either the Section Home or to Link to a classroom. 5. Once you have made your decision, click Link Content. Echo360 homepage with your content will appear.