Fortinet IP Phones
Fortinet IP Phone Guide
Fortinet IP Phone Guide Model: 375 In this guide: Buttons Overview Voicemail Basic Call Features Web Portal Buttons Overview Physical Buttons Softkey Buttons Voicemail Access Voicemail You can access your voicemail in the following ways: Physical Voicemail Button: Press the voicemail button on the phone. Dial Remotely: Dial 336-734-7399; enter *98#; enter extension #; enter voicemail password Email: You can enable all voicemails to be emailed to your work email account. Learn More. Web Portal: (Note: Sign in using your TechID and password) Recording a Voicemail Greeting Follow these instructions to record your voicemail greeting: Press the physical VOICEMAIL button or dial * 97 Press 0 on the keypad to enter voicemail options Press 2 on the keypad to record a new greeting After the tone, record your greeting. Press # on the keypad when finished. Press 1 on the keypad to accept the greeting; or Press 2 on the keypad to listen to the greeting; or Press 3 on the keypad to re-record a new greeting End the call. Basic Call Features Placing a phone call 1. You may dial the number at any time. It's not necessary to first open a line; simply start dialing. 2. Dialing: Local extensions: Enter the extension number (ex. 7900). Outside line: Press 9 + complete phone number (ex. 9 + 3367278300). Long Distance: Press 9 + 1 + complete phone number (ex. 9 + 1 + 8004861234) 3. Completing the call: do any one of the following... Wait three seconds and the call will be placed Press the Dial softkey Enter the # key after entering the phone number Lift the handset if not already off-hook Press the Speaker key. 4. Ending the call: do any of the following... Press the End softkey Hang up the handset If using the speakerphone, press the Speakerphone button Transferring Calls Screened Transfer: XFER softkey + extension (or outside number) + # Announce the caller. XFER softkey. Blind Transfer: XFER softkey + extension (or outside number) + # XFER softkey. Voicemail Transfer: XFER softkey + * + extension (or outside number) + # XFER softkey. Call Forwarding Start Call Forwarding: You can forward all incoming calls to another extension or external number by using the following instructions: Dial *71 on the keypad and press #. Enter your voicemail PIN. Enter the extension or phone number you wish to forward calls to. End Call Forwarding: Dial *71 on the keypad and press #. Enter your voicemail PIN. Send All Calls to Voicemail You can send all calls to voicemail using the following instructions: Select the DND softkey Conference Call You can start a conference call using the following instructions: Dial the first number and wait until they answer. Select the Conf softkey or the CONFERENCE physical button Dial the next number you wish to conference in. Wait until they answer, then press either the Conf softkey or the CONFERENCE physical button Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all callers are conferenced in. Web Portal: Access (Sign in using your TechID (without and password). Voicemail Management Click the large Voicemail button on the User Portal home page: Select a voicemail (if available) and then select an action: Enable Voicemail Email Notifications (On By Default) Inside the Web Portal, click the Preferences icon. Scroll down to Notification Options, and make sure your settings are as follows: Personal Voicemail Audio Click the large Voicemail button on the User Portal home page: Click on Voicemail Options In the new window, change the options for NAME: and Greeting: to Personal and Simple. Click on Audio file.... In the new window, click Call me in the Main: row. Follow the prompts to record your new message. Close out of this window and now change the Greeting File: to Main and click OK below that.
Fortinet Call Center Guide
Agent Operation Each call is assigned a rank that determines the order for it to be delivered to an available agent (typically equally, from the top to the bottom of a list and then starting again at the top of the list and so on). The highest-ranked caller in the queue is delivered to an available agent first, and every remaining caller moves up a rank. Agents can log into a queue to answer calls or transfer calls to another queue, which can then be answered by another available agent. Logging in to accept calls There are four options available: Dial *61 to log in to ALL call centers that you may be assigned to. Press the "Log In" programmable button on the telephone. (Figure A) Dial *63xxxx where xxxx is the 4 digit extension ID for your call center, i.e. *637414 for Career Services. You can only login to a Call Center that you are assigned to. From the Call Center Console located at . Logging out to decline calls There are four options available: Dial *62 to log out of ALL call centers. Press the "Log Out" programmable button on the telephone. (Figure A) Dial *64xxxx where xxxx is the 4 digit extension ID for your call center, i.e. *647414 for Career Services From the Call Center Console located at . Figure A Access Call Center via Web Portal Sign in to the voice portal: . Use your TechID Username (without the in the extension field) and password. (Figure B) Log In: Select the Queue Login button near the top left of the page, check the call center(s) you wish to login to, and then press the OK button near the bottom left of the new window. (Figure C) Log Out: Select the Queue Logout button near the top right of the page and then press the OK button near the bottom left of the new window. (Figure D) The person icon near the top right of the page will show green when logged in, and red when logged out. (Figure E) Figure B Figure C Figure D Figure E Manage Callback Queue Add the Queue Callback List widget if it is not visible Select Settings > Add Content > Queue Callback List More coming soon....
Forwarding Office Calls.
1. Visit the Fortinet Phone Portal - - and sign in using your TechID and password. 2. Select the Call Handling icon 3. In the new window, toggle Call forward to ON. For external call forwarding type 9 and then your phone number to forward calls to. For internal, you can enter just the 4 digit extension. Be advised that the forwarded phone number will now handle call history and voicemail options instead of the office extension while this option is turned on. 4. Select OK at the bottom left when finished.
Setting up Fortinet Softphone
Note: Only approved users by the Executive Leadership Team have a softphone license assigned to their account. Only these users will be able to use this feature. Minimum Requirements: iPhone running iOS 11.0 or later Android phone running Android 5.0 or later PC running Windows 10 Broadband internet connection with WiFi (30Mbps+) with cellphone connected to WiFi Quick Tips: You can dial 4 digit extensions Call Centers: Must use the Windows softphone client to log in to call center queues. Use *61 to log into the queue; *62 to log out. To sign out, select the menu icon in the top-left > Account. Toggle the button beside your account to OFF and select Switch Off. To sign in, select the menu icon in the top-left > Account. Toggle the button beside your account to ON and select Switch On. Windows/Mac Computer Softphone Initial Setup 1. Download and install the Fortifone client: Windows 10 client download Mac OS client download 2. Open the FortiFone app 3. Enter the following information to sign in: Server: Username: your TechID (ex. jdoe) Note: Do not include the Password: your TechID password 4. You will see a green dot that indicates you are connected. 5. (Optional) If you are part of a call center, dial *61 to log into the queue to accept calls. When finished, dial *62. 6. To exit the app, select the three horizontal lines in the upper left hand corner. 7. An option menu will appear, click on Exit App. 8. The app will ask if you really want to exit, select Exit. Mobile Phone App Initial Setup 1. Download and install the FortiFone app from the App Store: iPhone App Android App 2. Open the app and select yes to any notification prompts. 3. Select Scan QR Code on the Add First Account screen. 4. On a computer, sign in to the Fortivoice online portal - using just your username (do not include and your usual password. 5. Click on the Device button as shown below: 6. Click on the "View Mobile Login Information" button 7. On your phone, scan the QR code on your computer screen. 8. You should now signed in and connected. 9. To sign out, select the menu icon in the top-left > Account. Toggle the button beside your account to OFF and select Switch Off.
How to Forward your Office Phone to another Phone Number
Forwarding Office Calls. 1. Visit the Fortinet Phone Portal - - and sign in using your TechID and password. 2. Select the Call Handling icon 3. In the new window, toggle Call forward to ON, and type 9 and then your phone number to forward calls to. Be advised that the forwarded phone number will now handle call history and voicemail options instead of the office extension while this option is turned on. 4. Select OK at the bottom left when finished.
Block Numbers and Callers in the FortiVoice Portal
1. Navigate to and log in using your TechID credentials or specified username and password. 2. Click on the Call History button to access your call logs. 3. Within the call log, click the checkbox next to the phone number you'd like to block, then click More Actions > Block. 4. Click on the Contact button to manage personal contacts, view the directory, and manage your block list. 5. Select Personal Block List to add or delete numbers from the block list. These numbers will be unable to call you.
Send an Electronic Fax Using the FortiVoice Portal
1. Sign in to the FortiVoice portal using your TechID & Password (without the - 2. Select the "Fax" icon. Note: If you do not see the fax icon it is because your account has not been added to a department fax number. Submit a support ticket to have your account added to a fax number. 3. Select the + New... button to start a new outgoing fax. 4. Enter the fax number in the To field formatted (1 + 10 digit number including area code). Ex. 13367347102 5. Select the + icon to add the PDF attachment. 6. Optional: Select Advanced > to add a Fax Header. 7. Select Send to send the fax.
Working within Fortinet Fax
All phone extensions can send faxes using the Fortinet user portal. You can only receive faxes if you are a member of an eFax department account, e.g. Human Resources. Received faxes show up in your FT email (Outlook), under the eFax department account email. The Fortinet inbox will always be empty. This is because an individual extension cannot receive faxes. If you need to be added to an eFax account in order to receive department faxes, please fill out the request form to be added to that departments eFax email here: In rare cases, your administrator may enable you to monitor a fax account. This mode is for managing an eFax department account directly within Fortinet. Logging into the user portal. Go to Login using your TechID or provided credentials. Select the Fax icon. Sending a fax Go to Fax and click New. Configure the following fields: GUI Field Description To Enter the fax number to which you want to send the fax. (i.e. 3365555555, 93365555555, 913365555555 all work). Attachment (PDF and JPEG only) Click the plus (+) icon to locate the fax you want to send as either a PDF or JPEG attachment. Advanced ↓ FAX header Enter the fax header such as the receiver's name, subject, or number of pages. Station ID Enter a station ID such as the sender's name or identifying feature. Click Send. Viewing a fax sent from your extension Go to Fax > Sent. Locate the row for the fax that you want to view. Go to the Download column and click the link. Monitoring a fax extension If your administrator has enabled you to monitor incoming faxes on a fax extension, go to Fax > Monitor. Locate the row for the fax that you want to view. Go to the Download column and click the link. To delete the fax, select the checkbox to the left, and click Delete. To resend the fax, select the checkbox to the left, and click Resend. To forward the fax, select the checkbox to the left, and Forward.
How to Fix Soft Phone Greyed Out
Description: The soft phone application call button is greyed out inhibiting the ability to place outbound calls and receive inbound calls. If the issue shown below is similar, then proceed forward with the instructions in the guide for the solution. Broken Working Step 1: Login to Techlink Step 2: Navigate to Techlink (Employees) > Quick Links > Fortinet Phone Portal Step 3: Login using your Forsyth Tech credentials without the Must have an assigned extension. If you login to a phone extension accessed by multiple staff members, then you will not be able to access the phone portal with your Forsyth Tech credentials. Step 4: Top right corner, select the person icon, then on the drop down menu select Soft Phones Step 5: Click on the X that will revoke the license. Do keep in mind, this WILL NOT remove your soft phone license associated with your Forsyth Tech account. Step 6: Exit/close the Soft Phone application and reopen it. The license should reapply and the call button turns green.
How to Create a Voicemail Greeting Using the Web Portal
Visit Sign in with your TechID (without the and your TechID password. Click on the Voicemail icon Click on Voicemail Options In the new window, change the options for NAME: and Greeting: to Personal and Simple. Click on Audio file.... In the new window, click Call me in the Main: row. Follow the prompts to record your new message. Close out of this window and now change the Greeting File: to Main and click OK below that.