General Information
Find Student ID or Employee ID Number in MyForsythTech
Students and employees can locate their 7 digit school ID number using MyForsythTech. 1. Sign in to using your TechID and Password 2. Select your username from the top menu bar & select User Profile. 3. Your ID number is labeled as the "Colleague ID" located under your name
Print Your Schedule in MyForsythTech
1. Sign in to My Forsyth Tech by visiting 2. Select 'Student Planning'. 3. Select 'Plan your Degree & Register for Classes'. 4. Select the Term you wish to view using the arrow buttons. 5. Click the Print button above the schedule and you'll be directed to a printable schedule view that includes your name, student ID number, and semester details.
Error signing in - Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in.
When trying to login to MyForsythTech, eAccounts, or SafeSchools, you may receive an error code as seen below: Typically, this error is seen with the Edge or Chrome browser. Switching browsers to Firefox will typically fix this issue. Alternatively, clearing all cache and cookies and signing out of Edge and back in may also fix this issue. You can also open the website in a new incognito window. Note: If you are a Forsyth Tech employee using pin or fingerprint to sign in, locking and signing in with password will fix this issue.
Update your phone number through myForsythTech
Adding a new phone number: 1. In a web browser (ITS recommends Google Chrome), navigate to the following link and sign in with your Forsyth Tech credentials: 2. Once in Techlink, halfway down the page on the right side look for "Quick Links" in bold letters, underneath Quick Links click on "myForsythTech" 3. After you're in myForsythTech, navigate to the left toolbar and select "User Options" 4. In the drop down menu of "User Options" select "User Profile" 5. After clicking User Profile, you will be on your User profile page. Scroll to the very bottom of the page to view your current phone number(s) on record. You can add a new phone number, edit an existing phone number, or remove an existing phone number from your profile. Common Problems: Mac & iOS users may experience issues when trying to open myForsythTech - this is mainly caused by incompatibility with Safari. ITS Recommends using a Windows computer with Google Chrome to access our resources. If you experience issues opening myForsythTech on a Windows computer with Google Chrome, your browsers cookies/cache likely need to be cleared. Please reference the guide below to clear Google Chrome's cookies/cache: Clearing cookies/cache in Google Chrome