How to assign faculty roles to Blackboard courses
Adding faculty to Blackboard courses in roles such as Observer, Course Builder, and Support are now completed by the Subject or Course Owner that is assigned in the Course Substitution System. This role is typically held by the Department Chair or Program Coordinator, however, it can be changed by the Deans office at any time in the Course Substitution System.
Find the Course Owner for a Subject
If you are not a Course Owner, you can view the Course Owner for a subject at any time by accessing the BB Roles system here: The Owner is listed under the "Employee" column by subject. The assigned person who can make changes to the Owner is listed under the "Assigned By" column.
The subject owners listed are responsible for assigning course assignments. Subject owners are appointed by divisional managers.
Course Owners - How to make role changes
As a course owner, you have the ability to add/remove faculty from the different roles in a course for each term. Here are the steps:
1. Sign in to the BB Roles System -
2. From the drop-down box at the top of the page, chose which term you would like to work in and select "Switch Term".
3. Select the blue "Course Assignments" button
4. On the left of the page, you'll see the Add New Assignment panel. Complete the following steps:
-Select a Course from the drop-down menu.
-Select a Role from the drop-down menu.
-Type in the Employee's Tech ID (Ex. bloyd) or Email (Ex.
-Click "Add Role".
5. Once added the Employee will appear Course Assignment Table. Here, you can view the roles that have been assigned by the subject owner(s). The table displays Term, Course, Division, Role, Employee Name, Assigned By, and Assigned Date. You can also Delete the assignment by clicking the "Delete" button under the "Action" Column for its respective row.
For additional information on BBroles, please visit the BBroles Guide