Blackboard Known Issues and Workarounds
Last updated Thursday, May 27, 2021. Unable to Link Cengage Learning into a Blackboard Course Reported 5/17/2021 Issue Details: Instructors are unable to link Cengage Learning content to their Blackboard Course. When this action is attempted the following error is received. Cause: The issue is caused by using a certain browser with Blackboard while attempting to establish the link between Cengage and Blackboard. Workaround: Utilize the web browser Firefox when completing the activity of establishing the link between Cengage and Blackboard. Target Fix Implementation Date: No fix scheduled. Bulk Delete does not Delete all Grade Center Columns Reported 1/5/2021 Issue Details: The Bulk Delete tool doesn't remove some or all Gradecenter Columns. Workaround: Manually hide any unwanted Columns that remain. In the Control Panel, under the Grade Center. Go to the Full Grade Center. To show the column, click the Manage menu. Select Column Organization. Check the box next to the column you need to adjust. Press the Show/Hide option (located at the top and bottom), choose Hide Selected Column. Press Submit. Target Fix Implementation Date: August 1, 2021 Discussion Board file link intermittingly show resource not found Reported 8/23/2020 Issue Details: When the student selects a file in the Discussion description they receive the message resource not found. Workaround: Option 1 - Do not select option requires "Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum." when creating a discussion board. Option 2 - Do not attach a document to the description of a Blackboard discussion board. Either write/paste the document's information in the description of the Blackboard discussion board or located these instruction files in coursework for students to access. Target Fix Implementation Date: Not targeted to be fixed. [Resolved] Courses in "My Courses" area showing as blank boxes Reported 9/25/2020 Update: Mozilla has fixed the issue with Firefox in the latest update version 80.0.1 - Issue Details: Mozilla Firefox version 81.0 sporadically displays course listings in the "My Courses" area as blank boxes. This is only known to happen using Firefox version 81.0 (click here to learn how to check your version) Workaround: We recommend switching to the Google Chrome web browser or the Microsoft Edge Chromium edition until a fix is in place for Firefox. Download Google Chrome - Download Microsoft Edge Chromium - Target Fix Implementation Date: Not available. Email notifications for overdue assignments Reported 9/18/2020 Issue Details: Students are receiving overdue notifications for assignments after the due date even if assignment has been submitted on time. Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. Target Fix Implementation Date: Upcoming future Blackboard patch TBD The instructor does not receive a copy of the email sent to students via Messages in the course Reported 9/25/2020 Issue Details: An Instructor cannot cc himself/herself on the email sent to students via Messages in a course. Blackboard Article No. 000051666 Workaround: There is no workaround at this time. Target Fix Implementation Date: Upcoming future Blackboard patch TBD When an instructor or students tries to download any content from Blackboard, it gives a Learn SaaS error. Reported 10/25/2022 Issue Details: When a student submits an attempt to their assessment, the Bb Annotate tool does not display the document's contents and if an attempt is made to download the original file, an Access Denied error is generated. Workaround: The only workaround is for the student to be given an exception and be allowed to resubmit. Information: Our Product Development team is actively working on this issue. Target Fix Implementation Date: Upcoming future Blackboard patch TBD
Change default language for Blackboard
Blackboard has the ability to allow you to change your default language which will translate all of the text inside Blackboard to another language. Languages that are currently available are: English (default) Spanish French To change your default language: 1. Sign in to Blackboard - 2. Select your name from the main navigation menu 3. Under the System Settings header, select the language section 4. Choose the desired language then select save.
How to change your preferred name in Forsyth Tech systems
Please follow the prompts below to change your display name for Blackboard: 1. Visit 2. On the right side of the page, under Quick Links, please click on myForsythTech 3. On the homepage of myForsythTech, at the top left of the page, click on the 3 horizontal lines. Then click on User Options and select User Profile 4. Towards the middle left of the page please click on Edit Personal Identity and fill in any information you would like and please hit "save" after changing it to the preferred name as shown in the screenshot below: Changes will be reflected after 3 business days.
How to Download and Install the Blackboard Learn App for Android
Please click on How to Download and Install the Blackboard Learn App for Android.
How to Download and Install the Blackboard Learn IOS App
Please click on How to Download and Install the Blackboard Learn IOS App