Setup for Announcement Email Alerts
You can sign up to receive an email alert each time a new Techlink announcement is posted or you can receive a summary either daily or weekly. 1. Sign in to Techlink - https://techlink.forsythtech.edu 2. Select See all at the top of the announcement list. 3. Select the ... menu button from the top toolbar. Then select Alert me from the drop-down box. 4. From here you can edit your Alert settings to your preferences, then click OK when finished. Optional - If you already have an alert set up, you can modify the preferences by selecting Manage my alerts from the drop-down box in Step 3.
Submit or edit an Announcement on Techlink
Any employee of Forsyth Tech can submit an announcement to either the Student or Employee view of Techlink. If you wish to submit an announcement to both, you'll need to submit the announcement to one and then the other site. Steps to post an Announcement 1. Navigate to the Techlink homepage (either Student or Employee view). 2. Scroll down to the Announcements section 3. Click the "See All" link 4. Select the new item button to create a new item, or edit to edit an existing item. 5. Fill out the Announcement form After submitting this form, the announcement will go through a review process to determine if it fits within the guidelines. Once approved, the announcement will appear on the Techlink homepage.