Multi-factor Authentication
Set up Microsoft Authenticator App Notification Approval for MFA
1. Download the Microsoft Authenticator App from the App Store or Google Play store. 2. Go to and sign in with your full TechID & password. 3. If you are prompted for "More Information", select Next. 4. You should be greeted by default to setup for the authenticator app, but if not, click "I want to setup a different method". 5. Select Next and follow the on-screen prompts to set up the app. NOTE: After setup, you will want to add your phone number in case you get a new phone. This can be done by going to and adding a sign-in method: Below is a video of this enrollment process:
Set up Microsoft Authenticator App One-Time Password for MFA
1. Download the Microsoft Authenticator App from the App Store or Google Play store. 2. Go to and sign in with your full TechID & password. 3. If you are prompted for "More Information", select Next. 4. You should be greeted by default to setup for the authenticator app, but if not, click "I want to setup a different method". Then select "I want to use a different authenticator app" 5. Select Next and follow the on-screen prompts to set up the app. NOTE: After setup, you will want to add your phone number in case you get a new phone. This can be done by going to and adding a sign-in method: Below is a video of this enrollment process: For common problems, frequently asked questions, or additional assistance please visit the following link:
Set up Text or Call to Mobile Phone for MFA
1. Go to and sign in with your full TechID & password. 3. If you are prompted for "More Information", select Next. 4. Click "I want to setup a different method" and then click Phone 5. Select Next and follow the on-screen prompts. If you select text me a code you will receive a 6 digit code via SMS, if you select call you will be called and instructed to hit the pound/hashtag key.
Multifactor Authentication Frequently Asked Questions
What is multifactor authentication? Multifactor authentication is an authentication method wherein you log in with both a password and a mobile device. You can receive a text, call, or use an app to allow you to log in. Where can I go for support? The best resource if you have any issues setting up or using MFA is the ITS walk-in on main campus in Allman 106. What does this process look like? Below is the what the sign-in process looks like when receiving a text: How often will I have to use my phone to log in? You will have to use your phone every time you sign in to a service (Blackboard, email, MyForsythTech, etc.). This typically means you will only need to use it once per browser session, so if you keep you browser open and logged in, you will only use it once per day. For clients like Outlook, Teams, Skype, and OneDrive you will only need to login once per password change. You will not use MFA when logging into your Windows computer. What if I do not have my phone on me? You will not be able to log in as you must have your phone with you. You can add an alternate phone number to use, such as your office phone number. Email cannot be used as a second authenticator. I can't edit the office phone number and it won't let me add the country code, what do I do? The office phone number is built from your phone number in the directory which cannot be edited. The way we format our office numbers does not have the country code. If you would like to use your office phone, you can add it as the alternate phone number. See below: Note: Those at the Stokes campus cannot use this due to the extension. What if I lose my phone? You will need to contact ITS and have MFA temporarily removed from your account. I deleted the app from my phone, what do I do? Go to and select "Sign-in another way" and use text/call to cell phone. When the MFA management portal comes up, delete the existing authenticator app, then setup the authenticator app again. The authenticator app is asking for a QR code, where do I find this? Consult the guide for setting up the authenticator app.
Transferring multifactor authentication to a new device
If you have gotten a new phone and have the MFA app setup, you will likely need to re-register your account with your new device. If you have the same number: 1. Go to, you will be prompted for MFA, if you have the same number you can select "Sign in another way." 2. Then select your phone number: 3. Once you're in, delete the old authenticator app by clicking "Delete", then click Setup Authenticator app". Proceed with setting up the app as seen in this knowledge base article. If both your device and phone number have changed: If you have added an alternate form of authentication, such as an alternate number or office number, then you can proceed with the steps above. If you have no access to an alternative number, you will need to contact ITS at (866) 517-3567 or by visiting Allman 106 on main campus.
Setup Multifactor Authentication
Have any questions? Here's our FAQ guide that may have your answer! We recommend starting this process from your desktop/laptop, using your MFA device to start this process might lead to issues. 1. Decide the best multifactor authentication for you. Microsoft Authenticator App Receive a notification on your phone upon login (easiest and most secure) Input a one time 6-digit passcode within the app on your phone (does not require internet connectivity after installing the app) Receive a text or call from Microsoft Here is a video of the enrollment process from start to finish. 2. Go to You will be presented with the “More information required” screen, click “Next” then select your preferred MFA option mentioned in step 1 (the default is the app, if you'd like to use your phone you can select "I want to set up a different method"). 3. To manage your MFA after setup, go back to Here you can change your preferences. We recommend adding your phone number as a sign-in method If you experience any issues or would like live assistance, our technicians on main campus in Allman 106 can assist you in setting up MFA on your account. Let us know how we did by filling out this quick survey when you're done!
Microsoft Authenticator Setup Guide
To ensure a smooth setup, you will need your cellphone and a computer with internet connection. *Do not sign into the Authenticator app manually, you will use a QR code to link your account to the app* 1. Download the Microsoft Authenticator from the Playstore (for Android) or the Appstore (for iPhone). It's important to ensure the correct authenticator is installed. The icon below is the same on both Android and iPhone, and if you aren't downloading the app via a QR code, it's the easiest way to know you have the correct app. Android: iPhone: After the app is installed, upon opening the app you'll be greeted with the authenticator's initial prompt shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: You don't need to go any further in the app for the time being. Feel free to close the app or leave it open for later. You do not need to sign into the app at this time. 2. After the Authenticator app has been installed on your phone, get on your computer and navigate to and sign in with your Forsyth Tech credentials. *ITS recommends using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge* Figure 2: 3. After entering your Forsyth Tech username (TechID) and password, you'll come to a "More information required" screen, click next. Figure 3: 4. After clicking Next, you'll see the following: Figure 4: Select "Next" and continue to the next step 5. In the app, if you are prompted to allow notifications, choose yes. This will allow the app to send "Approve or Deny" notifications to your lock screen. If you choose no, you will have to open the app to approve or deny your login attempts. When you open your Authenticator app, if your screen looks like Figure 1, select "Scan QR code" and then on your computer at the prompt shown in Figure 5, choose next. If your authenticator app does not show the menu shown in Figure 1, look at the bottom tabs of the app. From left to right, they are as follows: Authenticator, Passwords, Addresses & Verified IDs. You can either enter the Authenticator tab > Choose Add account > Work or school account > Scan QR Code. OR Select the far right tab (Verified IDs) > Scan a QR Code All of the above methods will bring you to the same result - linking your Forsyth Tech account to your authentication app. After you have the camera pulled up within the app, after selecting scan QR code, click next on the prompt shown below in Figure 5. Figure 5: 6. Use the authenticator app to scan the QR code and choose "Next": Figure 6: 7. After scanning the QR code, your account will be linked with the authentication app. You'll be prompted for a test authentication - select approve within the app and you'll see figure 8. Within the app, you'll be redirected to the authenticator tab and should see your Forsyth Tech account listed as shown in Figure 7 below: Figure 7: Figure 8: Choose Next and continue. You'll see a new prompt letting you know that Multifactor Authentication has been successfully setup on your account, and will list the methods. Click Done. Common problems: Authenticator loop: If the user signs into the authenticator app using their TechID and password, they will be prompted to authenticate the sign in. This is only possible if the user has previously setup call or text verification. If no other methods are available, the user will not be able to continue. No smartphone: If the user does not have a smart phone to download apps, but does have a cell phone with call/text capabilities, you can setup text/call authentication. As the name suggests, the user can choose between receiving a code via text, or phone call to enter for authentication. To setup this method, follow the steps below: Starting from Step 4 from above, reference figure 4: "I want to setup a different method" (Bottom left corner) > Open the drop down and select "Phone" > Confirm > Enter your cell phone number and choose text or call > Next > You'll be prompted to enter the code that was sent to your phone, after that click next. After completing the above steps, text/call verification is now setup for your account. QR code not valid/already used: If you get a message saying the QR code is no longer valid, or that it's already been used, choose back to go to the previous step, and then next to "reload" the QR code page (Step 6, Figure 6). Reloading the page will generate a new QR code. If reloading the page doesn't work, it's possible another authentication method is already listed on your account. If you have issues after reloading, contact ITS. FAQs: Q: I use a different authenticator app for other sites/accounts. Will it work with my Forsyth Tech account? A: ITS recommends using Microsoft Authenticator for your Forsyth Tech account. You can try it with other authenticators, however we can't guarantee that it will work correctly with other authenticators. For the best results, Microsoft Authenticator is recommended. Q: I received a new phone number and need to update my MFA to the new number, can I do that myself? A: No, students are not able to update their own MFA number. You will need to contact ITS either over the phone or in person for an MFA reset/number update. Your identity will need to be verified before we can make any changes, so in person or over the phone verification is required. Q: What is MFA? Do I have to have it? A: MFA is a security measure to keep everyone but yourself out of your account. You should not approve any sign in requests that you did not initiate. If you notice random authentication requests that you didn't initiate, reach out to ITS and let us know immediately. As of August of 2022, MFA is required for all Forsyth Tech accounts.
Guía de configuración de Microsoft Authenticator
Link: *Para asegurar una configuración sin problemas, necesitarás tu teléfono celular y una computadora con conexión a internet* 1. Descarga Microsoft Authenticator desde la Play Store (para Android) o la App Store (para iPhone). Es importante asegurarse de instalar el autenticador correcto. El icono a continuación es el mismo tanto en Android como en iPhone, y si no estás descargando la aplicación a través de un código QR, es la forma más fácil de saber que tienes la aplicación correcta. Android: iPhone: Después de instalar la aplicación, al abrirla te encontrarás con el primer mensaje de autenticación que se muestra en la Figura 1. Figure 1: No es necesario continuar más en la aplicación por el momento. Siéntete libre de cerrar la aplicación o dejarla abierta para más tarde. No es necesario iniciar sesión en la aplicación en este momento. Después de haber instalado la aplicación Authenticator en tu teléfono, ve a tu computadora y navega hasta e inicia sesión con tus credenciales de Forsyth Tech. Después de ingresar tu nombre de usuario de Forsyth Tech (TechID) y contraseña, llegarás a una pantalla de "Se requiere más información", haz clic en "Siguiente". Selecciona "Siguiente" y continúa con el siguiente paso. Seleccione "Siguiente" y continúe con el siguiente paso. En la aplicación, si se te solicita permitir notificaciones, elige sí. Esto permitirá que la aplicación envíe notificaciones de "Aprobar o Denegar" a tu pantalla de bloqueo. Si eliges no, tendrás que abrir la aplicación para aprobar o denegar tus intentos de inicio de sesión. Cuando abras tu aplicación Authenticator, si tu pantalla se parece a la Figura 1, selecciona "Escanear código QR" y luego en tu computadora, en el mensaje que se muestra en la Figura 5, elige "Siguiente". Si tu aplicación autenticadora no muestra el menú que se muestra en la Figura 1, mira las pestañas inferiores de la aplicación. De izquierda a derecha, son las siguientes: Autenticador, Contraseñas, Direcciones e Identificaciones verificadas. Puedes ingresar a la pestaña de Autenticador > Elegir Agregar cuenta > Cuenta de trabajo o escuela > Escanear código QR. O Selecciona la pestaña más a la derecha (Identificaciones verificadas) > Escanear un código QR. Todos los métodos anteriores te llevarán al mismo resultado: vincular tu cuenta de Forsyth Tech con tu aplicación de autenticación. Después de tener la cámara activada dentro de la aplicación, después de seleccionar escanear código QR, haz clic en "Siguiente" en el mensaje que se muestra a continuación en la Figura 5. Utiliza la aplicación del autenticador para escanear el código QR y elige "Siguiente". Después de escanear el código QR, tu cuenta estará vinculada con la aplicación de autenticación. Se te pedirá una autenticación de prueba: selecciona "Aprobar" dentro de la aplicación y verás la figura 8. Dentro de la aplicación, serás redirigido a la pestaña del autenticador y deberías ver tu cuenta de Forsyth Tech listada como se muestra en la Figura 7 a continuación. Selecciona "Siguiente" y continúa. Verás un nuevo mensaje que te informa que la Autenticación Multifactor ha sido configurada correctamente en tu cuenta, y listará los métodos. Haz clic en "Hecho". Common Problems (Problemas communes) Bucle del autenticador: Si el usuario inicia sesión en la aplicación Authenticator utilizando su TechID y contraseña, se le pedirá que autentique el inicio de sesión. Esto solo es posible si el usuario ha configurado previamente la verificación mediante llamada o mensaje de texto. Si no hay otros métodos disponibles, el usuario no podrá continuar. Sin teléfono inteligente: Si el usuario no tiene un teléfono inteligente para descargar aplicaciones, pero sí tiene un teléfono celular con capacidad para llamadas/mensajes de texto, puede configurar la autenticación por texto o llamada. Como su nombre lo indica, el usuario puede elegir entre recibir un código vía mensaje de texto o llamada telefónica para autenticarse. Para configurar este método, sigue los pasos a continuación. Comenzando desde el Paso 4 anterior, haciendo referencia a la Figura 4: "Quiero configurar un método diferente" (esquina inferior izquierda) > Abre el menú desplegable y selecciona "Teléfono" > Confirma > Ingresa tu número de teléfono celular y elige entre texto o llamada > Siguiente > Se te pedirá que ingreses el código que se envió a tu teléfono, después de eso, haz clic en Siguiente. Después de completar los pasos anteriores, la verificación por texto/llamada está ahora configurada para tu cuenta. Si recibes un mensaje que indica que el código QR ya no es válido o que ya ha sido utilizado, selecciona "atrás" para volver al paso anterior y luego "siguiente" para "recargar" la página del código QR (Paso 6, Figura 6). Al recargar la página, se generará un nuevo código QR. Si recargar la página no funciona, es posible que otro método de autenticación ya esté registrado en tu cuenta. Si tienes problemas después de recargar, ponte en contacto con el equipo de Servicios de Tecnología de la Información (ITS, por sus siglas en inglés). FAQs: Pregunta (question): ¿Utilizo una aplicación de autenticación diferente para otros sitios/cuentas? ¿Funcionará con mi cuenta de Forsyth Tech? Respuesta (answer): ITS recomienda usar Microsoft Authenticator para tu cuenta de Forsyth Tech. Puedes intentarlo con otras aplicaciones de autenticación, sin embargo, no podemos garantizar que funcionará correctamente con otras aplicaciones de autenticación. Para obtener los mejores resultados, se recomienda Microsoft Authenticator. P: Recibí un nuevo número de teléfono y necesito actualizar mi MFA al nuevo número, ¿puedo hacerlo yo mismo? R: No, los estudiantes no pueden actualizar su propio número MFA. Deberás ponerte en contacto con ITS ya sea por teléfono o en persona para realizar un restablecimiento/actualización del número MFA. Tu identidad deberá ser verificada antes de que podamos realizar cualquier cambio, por lo que se requiere verificación en persona o por teléfono. P: ¿Qué es MFA? ¿Es obligatorio tenerlo? R: MFA es una medida de seguridad para evitar que personas ajenas accedan a tu cuenta. No debes aprobar ninguna solicitud de inicio de sesión que no hayas iniciado tú mismo. Si notas solicitudes de autenticación aleatorias que no iniciaste, ponte en contacto con ITS y avísanos de inmediato. A partir de agosto de 2022, MFA es obligatorio para todas las cuentas de Forsyth Tech.