Get help setting up, editing, and managing your Blackboard Course items, folders, and modules.
Add content from Linkedin Learning to your Blackboard Course
Lynda.com has transitioned to Linkedin Learning which brings a new LTI integration into Blackboard for adding Linkedin Learning videos and courses to your Blackboard course. Follow these instructions to add Linkedin Learning content: 1. Access the course in Blackboard and enable Edit Mode if it is turned off. 2. Select the area in the course you would like to add the content to. 3. Select the tab Partner Content. 4. Select Content Market. 5. Select Browse All Content Providers. 6. Select LinkedIn Learning. 7. Select the video or course you would like to add. Select Submit.
Blackboard Ultra Based Nav Faculty Quick Start Guide
Say goodbye to the old Blackboard Learn portal and say hello to Bb Learn Ultra Base Navigation, Forsyth Tech's next step in progressing to Blackboard Learn's more modern, intuitive navigation. This does NOT change how your courses look! In this guide: Institution Page Your Profile Activity Stream Courses Organizations Calendar Grades Tools Institution Page An all-new landing screen with helpful links for using Blackboard and other resources. Profile In the list where your name appears, select your name to access your profile. Your profile appears with some information, and you can't delete your profile. Profile picture: Upload a picture to replace the generic silhouette. Basic Information: Update your personal information. Global Notification Settings: Set up notifications for course activities. Cloud Storage Accounts: Access your files in cloud storage. Upload your picture You can store one image file in your profile. Point to the generic silhouette or your picture and select the pencil icon to upload, change, or remove an image. In the panel, select Upload new profile picture to browse for your picture on your computer. Or, you can drag a file to the Upload area. Your image is saved automatically. Close the panel to return to your profile. Remove or replace your image: Upload or drag in another image. To return to the generic silhouette, select the Delete this picture icon to delete your existing image file. Edit your info and preferences Your profile is the place to edit the information attached to your persona. Point to a detail such as Full Name and select the pencil icon. In the panel, make changes. Select Done when you're finished. Activity Stream The new Activity Stream page captures all the action in your courses and lets you access items efficiently. You can see what's new in all your courses and jump directly into course activities from the list! You no longer need to dig through each course to access your content. You can see what's new in all your courses and jump directly into course activities from the list! You don't need to dig through the system or miss submissions from students. You see a prioritized list of what's relevant to you. Follow student discussions as they happen, including the latest submissions. Take note of how many submissions are ready to grade. You can also access new submissions from the stream. You can view an example in the assignments topic. Receive reminders about personal events and meetings. Enjoy a bird's eye view of course activity and direct access to course items. Filter your view. Use the Filter menu and choose Show All, Assignments and Tests or Grades and Feedback. We've combined many notification features to help you find the targeted information you need. Over time, our system will get even smarter and help you understand which items are most time-sensitive or critical. Activity stream categories Activity stream items are grouped into four categories to make the list easier to scan: Important: Students see overdue assignments, tests, and graded discussions that need their immediate attention. The number of items in this section makes up the count shown by Activity Stream in the list where your name appears. If you dismiss an item in this section, you won't be able to view it again even if you sign out and sign in again. When you dismiss a stream item, the original content isn't affected. You just remove the notification from the activity stream. Upcoming: View your top five events that will happen in the next seven days. Select Show More for a complete list. This section doesn't appear if you don't have upcoming events. Today: See everything happening and due in the next 24 hours, including institution-wide announcements about emergency notifications and updates. If you added course announcements, they appear here or in the Recent section for students. Recent: If you haven't checked in for a bit, view stream items that were previously in the Today section over the last seven days. Students always see reminders about overdue work in the Important section. Notification Settings panel On your Activity Stream page, select the Stream Settings icon to open the Notification Settings panel. You can also access these settings from your profile page. The notification system is always on in the Ultra experience. You can choose which notifications you receive about activity in all your Original and Ultra courses: Activity stream: Choose which activities appear on your Stream page. Email: If you want to receive email notifications, add an email address to your profile page. Then, choose how often and which activities you want to receive notifications for. SMS: If your institution has a Blackboard Connect account you can receive SMS text messages on your mobile phone. Simply add a phone number to your profile page. Then choose how often and which activities you want to receive notifications for. Push notifications: If you want to receive push notifications, choose how often and which activities you want to receive notifications for. Messages pop up on your mobile device if you have Blackboard Instructor installed. Courses The new Courses page sorts your courses into a timeline so that you can focus on courses that are currently active. You can search for courses by name or filter the view. Courses you mark as a favorite will appear at the top of your course list, making it easy for you to access the courses you use most frequently. Filter or search your list. Use the Filter menu to modify your view of the page. Your filtered list stays as you access courses. If you navigate to another page, all courses show again. Use the search function to find courses on the current page. Browse by term. Move to past, current, and upcoming courses. If you teach a lot of courses, you can choose how many appear on each page. At the bottom of the list, you'll find a page selector to navigate through long lists. View your favorites quickly. If you access a course frequently, you can select the star icon to add it to your favorites so it appears at the top of the list. No more scrolling! You can select the star icon again to remove a course from your favorites when you're finished working in it often. Hide a course. Point to a course card menu and select Hide Course. Activity for hidden courses no longer appears in the global pages about all your courses, such as Grades. Only instructors have the option to hide courses. Organizations Organizations behave like courses and contain tools that enable group members to communicate efficiently. You can post information, have discussions, and share documents. You can search for, filter, and favorite your organizations. Organizations can help broaden the scope of an institution's reach across subjects, time periods, and more. Groups that might use organizations include academic departments, study groups, and extra-curricular activities. Calendar View course events and due dates for all your courses. Grades At a glance, you can quickly view all of your current courses and the items that need grading. You can click on an assignment to navigate quickly to start grading attempts. Tools In the list where your name appears, select Tools to access the global functions that are outside a course. The cross-course Blackboard tools you're familiar with are available on the Tools page, such as the Content Collection, goals, enterprise surveys, and portfolios. Your page stays uncluttered because you only see the tools you have access to.
How to Download a Blackboard Collaborate Session’s Chat Recording
1. Log into the desired Blackboard course. 2. In the side menu, locate “Course Tools” and then “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra” as shown below: 3. Click on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. 4. In the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra pane, click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner and click on “Recordings”. 5. Click on the name of the recording you would like the chat transcript for and click “Watch Now”. 6. Once the recording has opened, click on the lower left-hand corner arrows to open the chat panel as shown below: 7. Once open, press the play button. You will now be able to see the chat in real time as the recording progresses. 8. To download the chat transcript, click the Recording menu button in the upper left-hand corner. 9. Within the Recording menu, click on “Download Chat”. 10. This will download the chat transcript to your computer. It can be found in your Downloads folder or in the folder which you designated it to download to.
Manage faculty enrollments in a Blackboard Course Template course
For new Course Template (formerly known as Course Master/Sandbox) courses created after 9/23/2020, the requester of the course is assigned a role of "Course Owner" that allows them to manage faculty enrollments. Please follow the steps below to manage enrollments in the Course Template course: 1. Sign in to Blackboard - https://blackboard.forsythtech.edu 2. Navigate to the desired Course Template course. 3. Under Course Management, select Users and Groups > Users. 4. To enroll a new faculty member, select the Enroll User button > Find users to enroll. A new window will open that allows you to search for their username (ex. kmccann) or email. 5. To remove a user, select the checkbox beside the desired user and select the Remove Users from Course button.
Student Fix-it Message from the Respondus Lockdown Browser
Issue: Some students see the fix-it message but when I go into the responders browser thing under my course tools there are no tests that indicate a problem or that the tests need to be fixed. Workaround Solution: Add an optional password to the exam via the optional password field we make available in the LockDown Browser Dashboard tool. Adding this password seems to allow the original problem to not occur, and the student can enter the exam. You will need to give the students the password you’ve set. You should NOT use the same internally set password that resides in the Blackboard quiz settings. Rename the exam. a) Change the quiz title to something completely different in the first 8 characters. b) In the quiz options, remove the internal password and save the settings c) Open the LDB Dashboard, and took off the LDB setting for the quiz. (a fix it error was showing) d) Then, using the LDB Dashboard, re-enable the LDB setting. This should then also allow the student to enter the exam. *This is a Known Issue that'll be resolved in a future release, no current estimated date on the release.
How do I copying assessments/tests from one Blackboard course to another ?
You will first need to download the test or survey to your computer. To do this: Enter the course that currently has the quiz or survey you want to copy. In the “Course Management” menu, click Course Tools. Click Tests, Surveys, and Pools. Click Tests. (or if you are wanting to import a survey, click Surveys). Click the grey arrow next to the test (or survey) you want to copy. Click Export to Local Computer. This will download the test to your computer as a zip file. You will now need to upload the test (or survey) to the course where you want it. To do this: Enter the course where you want the test (or survey). Note: this is not where the test is already but where you want it to be copied. In the “Course Management” menu, click Course Tools. Click Tests, Surveys, and Pools. Click Tests. (or if you are wanting to import a survey, click Surveys). Click Import Test. (or Import Survey) Click Browse my Computer. You will need to find the zip file that you downloaded. It may be in your downloads folder. Click the Downloads folder, select the file, then click Open Click Submit. You will get a screen informing you of a successful import. Click OK. Next, you will need to create a link to the test (or survey). To do this: Click the content area where you want the test (or survey). Click Assessments in the top menu. Click Test. (or Survey) Select the test (or Survey) from the list. Click submit. Choose your Test Options and Click Submit.
Completing the Class Roster Verification
Pulling CEA from Blackboard
Save a message as a file
Save a message as a file Outlook for Microsoft 365 Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2010 More... Brian's note - Faculty have to save and then send email contacts with students when the Faculty member initiates the Course Drop and when filling out the grade of an "F" on Final Grades. Outlook gives you several options for saving an email message. A message that you receive, for example, can be saved as a file on your computer or in another folder in Outlook. A message you're composing can be saved as a draft and finished later. Tip: Do you want to save an email message as a PDF file? In Windows 10, use the Print command to print your message to a PDF. For more instructions or for other versions of Windows, see Save a message as a PDF file. Save a message as a file on your computer or in the cloud Double-click to open the message you want to save, and on the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as dialog box, in the Folder pane, choose a folder, and then the location in that selected folder where you want to save the file. In the File name box, type a name for the file. In the Save as type list, accept the default type, or choose another file type in the list.
Adaptive Release Tutorial