Printing Attendance Rosters - XATR
Purpose: To all users to print Attendance Reports Start: When the attendance roster for one or more courses needs to be printed Materials: Computer, Colleague access, XATR 1. Log into Colleague - 2. Enter Mnemonic into Colleague shortcut box - XATR. Press Enter 3. Type the course number in the Course Section box. Note: If there is a section number there, simply delete it. If there are several numbers listed, click in the first box and press and press CTRL+ ALT+Delete until all numbers are erased. Note: You may print multiple attendance rosters at once by entering the course numbers on a separate line. 4. Select Save and Update. 5. Type P in the Output Device. 6. Type doceserve in the Printer field. 7. Click Save and Update; Save and Update. 8. Attendance Roster will be sent as a PDF file to your email inbox.
Printing with RGST
1. It is extremely important that “print only new” be NO. If not, then another copy cannot be printed after the first/new one. Enter the correct term and student ID number. Save & Update. 2. Change the “Output Device” from “P” (Printer) to “H” (Hold/Browse File Output). Save & Update. 3. Save & Update. 4. Click Finish. 5. Right click on Export to PDF and print.
Grant/Deny Waivers Using SRWS/SRQW in Colleague
Grant/Deny Waivers Using SRWS/SRQW in Colleague Use the Student Requisite Waivers Summary (SRWS) and the Student’s Requisite Waiver (SRQW) forms to grant waivers for the requisites of a course before a student tries to register for the course. Requisite waivers can be created either at the course or section level, similar to how requites are defined. Granting a waiver before registration allows a student to register for a class even if they do not meet the requisites without causing errors or warning during registration. During registration Colleague checks to see if the student has an eligible waiver. If a waiver exists that waives all the unmet requisites, then the student is registered for the section. If the waiver has been denied, revoked, or does not exist, the student needs an override to register for the section NOTE: Waivers can be viewed in, but they cannot be edited there. Waiver Duration: You can create a course or section waiver so it applies only to a specific term or a course waiver for a specified time frame that you define. For example, you could create a course waiver that could be good for an entire year. You cannot create a waiver with both a term and a date range. If you are creating waivers using a date range instead of a term the following is important to note to ensure that the registration process correctly associates the waiver with the student's registration. The start date of the section for which the student is registering must fall within the waiver date range. The waiver date range does not have to match the dates for the term for the waiver to be associated with the student's registration. If the start date of the section is outside of the waiver date range then the waiver does not apply to the registration. Create a requisite waiver Access the Student Requisite Waiver Summary (SRWS) form, and enter a student’s name for whom you want to grant a waiver. Access the Student’s Requisite Waiver (SRQW) form by drilling down on the next available, blank line. Section Waiver: Section if the requisites are defined at the section level or if the waiver can be used only for a particular section of the course. In the Reason and Comments fields, enter information about why the student is being granted the waiver. Select the requisites you want to waive using one of the following options: Enter Yes in the Waive Previous and Previous-or-Concurrent fields to set the Waive field to Yes for all the requisites with a timing of Previous or Previous-or-Concurrent. Enter Yes in the Waive All Requisites field to waive all of the requisites. Enter Yes in the Waive field for the specific requisites you want to waive. Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS. Note: After you save the waiver it cannot be changed. If you need to change the waiver, you need to revoke the waiver and create a new waiver with the updated information. Course Waiver: Select Course if the requisites you want to waive are defined at the course level and the waiver can be used for any sections offered for the course. IMPORTANT NOTE: If there are two versions of the same course in AB (active) status at the same time, reach out to Central Data Management ( to determine which version is the correct one for the semester you’re creating the waiver. For a course waiver, enter either a term or a start and end date to indicate when the waiver is active. If you are creating a section waiver, the term defaults from the section information. In the Reason and Comments fields, enter information about why the student is being granted the waiver. Select the requisites you want to waive using one of the following options: Enter Yes in the Waive Previous and Previous-or-Concurrent fields to set the Waive field to Yes for all the requisites with a timing of Previous or Previous-or-Concurrent. Enter Yes in the Waive All Requisites field to waive all of the requisites. Enter Yes in the Waive field for the specific requisites you want to waive. Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS. Note: After you save the waiver it cannot be changed. If you need to change the waiver, you need to revoke the waiver and create a new waiver with the updated information. Deny a waiver Follow the steps listed in “Creating Waivers” above. In the Reason and Comments fields, enter information about why the student is being denied the waiver. In the Waive All Requisites field, enter No. Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS. Revoke a waiver Access the Student Requisite Waiver Summary (SRWS) form, and enter a student’s name for whom you want to grant a waiver. Access the Student’s Requisite Waiver (SRQW) form for the waiver you want to revoke. In the Revoked field, enter Yes. Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS. Version Modifications Made by 1.0 Document creation ADA compliant JMD 2.0 Document creation ADA compliant JMD
Use the Student Petitions (STPE) form in Colleague
Grant a student petition for a course or section. If you enter a Petition Status that grants the petition, then if the associated course requires a petition there will be no override required at registration. Grant faculty consent for a course or section. If you enter a Faculty Consent Status that grants consent, then if the associated course requires faculty consent there will be no override required at registration. Grant an overload petition for a term. The Overload Petition would only be used to allow registration for courses that cause a student's schedule to go into overload status for that term. Term is required for an overload petition. NOTE: Petitions can be viewed in, but they cannot be edited there. Access STPE (Student Petitions) in Colleague and enter student ID number. Enter the letter “A” to add petition to the student’s record. STPE Form Field Description TERM If the petition is valid for a specific term, you can enter the term in this field. If the petitions are for nonterm-based courses, you may leave this field blank. Entering a term automatically generates the Start and End Dates of the petition provided that no dates have already been entered. COURSE If a student registers for a section that requires a petition or has the faculty consent flag set to "Yes," this field is checked to see if the student has gotten the required approvals for the course. PETITION STATUS When a student tries to register for a course with a petition required, Colleague checks this field. If the petition status is equivalent to "Granted," the student will be registered for the section. If the status is other than "granted," the student will need an override to register for the section. After you select a petition status, you must enter a reason, comments, or both to support the status. PETITION REASON Select a student petition reason code that contains the typical reasons for the status you gave this student's petition for this course or section. If you need to provide additional information, use the Petition Comments field where you can enter additional text. PETITION COMMENTS Select a student petition reason code that contains the typical reasons for the status you gave this student's petition for this course or section. If you need to provide additional information, use the Petition Comments field where you can enter additional text. FACULTY CONSENT STATUS When a student tries to register for a course with faculty consent required, this field is checked. If the faculty consent status is equivalent to "granted," then the student will be allowed to register in the course. If the status is other than "granted," the student will need an override to register for the section. After you select a or faculty consent status, you must enter a reason, comments, or both to support the status. FACULTY CONSENT REASON Select a student petition reason code which contains the typical reasons for the faculty consent status you gave this student for the associated course or section. If you need to provide additional information, use the Consent Comments field where you can enter additional text. CONSENT COMMENTS From this field you can access a form to enter additional comments about the associated petition status.
Colleague Basics
Open the attached PowerPoint presentation to learn more about the Colleague system and common questions.
Find Student TechID - Verify Active Student Program - Find Alternate Email Addresses
In Colleague under the SPRO form - enter the SID of the student. Once the students SPRO form is pulled up, look for the fields titled "Email" & "Status". If the student currently has an active TechID, it will be reflected under the Email field. Active students will show as Active in the Status field. Additionally, please note that non-active students may reflect a Forsyth Tech email in the Email field IF they do not have a personal email on file. Take note of the Status, reflecting Changed and the Status date, reflecting when that change took effect. Example of Active Student: Example of a non-active student: To find alternate/personal email addresses in Colleague, see below: In a users Colleague profile in the SPRO form, click the sheet of paper next to "Demographics" In the new window that appears, select NAE (Name and Address Entry) On the NAE page, towards the bottom of the screen, click the sheet of paper next to "E-mail Address(es)"