Register for Classes
In this guide:
Register for a course
Drop a course
Register for a Course
Note: When planning your term schedule, you can find and add Course Sections from both the Planned Courses list, or the Course Catalog. This guide will address both, but if you have any issues or questions about registering for classes please contact the Student Success Center @ (336) 734-7156.
If you are unable to register for a course that has seats available, there may be a hold on your account and you will need to contact the Cashier's Office @ (336) 734-7210.
1. Sign in to My Forsyth Tech by visiting
2. Select 'Student Planning'.
3. Select 'Plan your Degree & Register for Classes'.
4. Select the Term you wish to register for using the arrow buttons.
You can view your Planned Courses on the left side here. Planned courses are added by you or your advisor.
5. From the Planned Courses pane, select '> View other sections' to find the course you would like to register for.
6. Click on the section to view more information about it, and if you'd like to choose that course, click the 'Add Section' button to add it to your Plan.
7. Next we will search the Course Catalog using the Search Bar in the top right corner of your screen.
Note: You may search by course prefix (ex. CIS, ENG, etc.) or by course title (ex. English, Computer Programming, etc..).
8. Use the filters on the left side to narrow your search.
9. Repeat steps #5-#9 until you have planned your entire semester.
10. To finalize your registration click the 'Register Now' button above the term schedule. Your Planned Credits will turn into Enrolled Credits.
You are successfully registered for the semester!
Drop a course
If you decide to Drop a Course, you can click the Drop button under the course you wish to drop. This method of dropping the course is only available during the registration period. After registration has ended, you will need to use the Online Course Drop System to withdraw from any registered classes.