How to Remove Screencastify
Modified on: Mon, Jun 3 2024 8:24 AMIn order to remove Screencastify, visit your Chrome or Edge browser and click on the puzzle piece at the upper right hand corner:
The Extensions section, remove Screencastify.
If you have multiple accounts signed in (the person icon), you may need to go to each one and look for the extension.
If you previously held a WSFCS account, you will not be able to remove the extension, you will need to sign out of the account completely by completing the following:
Next to the puzzle piece, there should be an icon, it may have a person or it may have a profile picture. Click on this icon. If the current account is the WSFCS account, simply click Sign Out.
If you have multiple accounts, locate the WSFCS in the "Other Profiles section". Click on the WSFCS account and then click repeat the above process of clicking on the icon and choosing Sign out.