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Find Student TechID - Verify Active Student Program - Find Alternate Email Addresses

Modified on: Mon, Feb 19 2024 12:12 PM

In Colleague under the SPRO form - enter the SID of the student. Once the students SPRO form is pulled up, look for the fields titled "Email" & "Status".

If the student currently has an active TechID, it will be reflected under the Email field. Active students will show as Active in the Status field.

Additionally, please note that non-active students may reflect a Forsyth Tech email in the Email field IF they do not have a personal email on file. 

Take note of the Status, reflecting Changed and the Status date, reflecting when that change took effect.

Example of Active Student:

Example of a non-active student:

To find alternate/personal email addresses in Colleague, see below:

In a users Colleague profile in the SPRO form, click the sheet of paper next to "Demographics"

In the new window that appears, select NAE (Name and Address Entry)

On the NAE page, towards the bottom of the screen, click the sheet of paper next to "E-mail Address(es)"

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