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Creating a Discussion Board in Blackboard Ultra

Modified on: Fri, Feb 9 2024 3:18 PM

To create your Discussion on the Course Content page:

  1. Locate where you would like to add the discussion forum and select the purple plus sign > Create.
    drop-down menu for plus-sign on course content
  2. On the Create Item panel, select Discussion.
    Discussion found on Create Item panel
  3. For help creating your Discussion, see the Create your discussion section below.

To create your Discussion on the Discussion page:

  1. Select Discussions on the navigation bar at the top of your Blackboard page.
  2. At the top right of the page, click New Discussion button.
  3. For help creating your Discussion, see the Create your discussion section below.

To create discussion:

  1. On the New Discussion page, enter a meaningful and descriptive title.
    Enter title on New Discussion page
  2. In the Text Editor, enter the discussion topic as well as any other relevant instructions. For tips on how to use the Text Editor, see Using the Text Editor.
    Text Editor on New Discussion page
  3. New discussions are hidden by default. To make the discussion visible to students, select Hidden from students (top-right corner). A drop-down menu will appear, select Visible to students.
    Make discussion available to students
  4. If you want to select release conditions, see Navigating Conditional Release.
  5. Set the discussion settings by selecting the settings icon (top-right corner). The Discussion Settings panel will open on the right.
    1. Display on Course Content page: This option will allow you to include the discussion forum alongside other course content.
    2. Post First: Select Post first to hide discussion activity from students until they respond to the discussion.
    3. Grade Discussion: You can make the discussion count for a grade. When you choose to grade a discussion, Blackboard ULTRA will prompt you to choose a due date, the grade format, and the maximum points.
      1. NOTE: when you enable grading for a discussion, a column is automatically created in the Gradebook.
    4. Add groups: You can assign students to discussion groups.
  6. The auto-generate discussion button offers a list of potential discussion topics for you to choose from, which you can edit, and use.
    Choose a desired cognitive level among Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create, or let AI to select a level by selecting the “Inspire me!” option. Adding a description and choosing an appropriate cognitive level can increase the likelihood of AI generating more usable discussion topics. You can also set the complexity and select the option to generate a title.

    How to Create a Discussion Board in Blackboard Ultra:
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