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Sharing Folders/Documents from SharePoint

Modified on: Fri, Jul 28 2023 3:08 PM

To share a folder or document from your SharePoint, follow the steps below:

1. In SharePoint, navigate to the document/folder you'd like to share, hover over it with your cursor and select the 3 dots. In the drop down menu, select "Share"

2. After selecting Share, you should be prompted with a new window. Before we can proceed with granting access to someone, first click the cog wheel (settings) icon in the top right to view Sharing Settings:

3. From Sharing Settings, you're able to designate who should be able to receive access to a folder or document (People within our organization, people with existing access to the SharePoint, or people you specify). 

By selecting the "Can View" drop down, you can determine whether or not the recipient of the link will be able to edit or only view the content of the folder/document you send them. Finally, there is an option to allow or block the recipient from downloading the content.

4. After the Sharing Settings have been configured, click Apply and you should be brought back to the original window from step 2. In the top window, add groups, names or emails to the individuals you're sharing content with. You can add a message in the window below if necessary. 

You can then either copy the link and send it out (if this method is used, the recipients will need to use that link each time they want to access the resource), or you can click Send and the recipients should receive an email which will take them to the document/folder/resource.

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