Step 2. Enter your email address, and the password you created when you signed up (this password was set by you, and is not tied to your Forsyth Tech password).
Step 3. Select your course from the list, paying close attention to the Course ID, the weekdays that the class meets, and the 'Date' column, to be sure you have selected the correct course.
Note: The course list is automatically sorted by the initial meeting date, so that ongoing courses are listed at the top. Be sure to check the ID of the course you are instructing prior to the first class session. If you need help finding the course ID, contact your supervisor or staff assistant.
Step 4. After selecting your course, you'll be taken to the next page which will look similar, but it will list each time the class has met. The most current class session will be at the top of the list. Click on today's session.
Step 5. You're now ready for students to check-in and out. Have the student click the radial button in the 'Checked-in' column next to their name.
They'll be prompted to sign an e-signature, then click the blue Check-in button. The 'Checked-in' column will now have a blue circle with a white checkmark.
Step 6. The students will follow the same steps to check-out (but they won't be prompted for a signature on check-out).
The student's check-in and check-out times will be documented in the list:
Step 7. After the class session is over, click the icon in the top right, and logout.