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How to Make Your Tutoring Appointments

Modified on: Tue, Aug 3 2021 4:08 PM

How to Make Your Tutoring Appointments



1. Sign into Navigate using your TechID and password. Click here to access Navigate online



2. Click on Appointments from the navigation menu located on the left-hand side.



3. Click Schedule an Appointment




4. Click the down arrow under “What type of appointment would you like to schedule?”





5. Once your date and course are chosen, the tutor(s) available will be listed and their available timeslots will be shown. Click on the timeslot you want to receive tutoring.




6. Review your information. If you know what information you want the tutor’s help with during the session, include that in the area that asks “Would you like to share anything else?” This really helps the tutor prepare for your session! You can choose to receive an email reminder (to your Forsyth Tech email address) and/or text reminder to your phone. Click schedule once you’ve entered that information!


7. Your appointment has been created – you and the tutor will receive email confirmation.






How to Cancel a Tutoring Appointment


1.    On the Navigate homepage, click on Appointments. A list of upcoming appointments will be listed under the My Appointments tab. Click on the link for the appointment you want to cancel.




2.    Select Cancel Appointment.




3.    Select a reason from the drop-down menu; you are not required to leave comments but can if you would like.




4.    Once you click Cancel Appointment, you and the tutor will receive email confirmation of the cancellation.


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