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Grant/Deny Waivers Using SRWS/SRQW in Colleague

Modified on: Thu, Jan 23 2025 2:21 PM

Grant/Deny Waivers Using SRWS/SRQW in Colleague


Use the Student Requisite Waivers Summary (SRWS) and the Student’s Requisite Waiver (SRQW) forms to grant waivers for the requisites of a course before a student tries to register for the course. 


Requisite waivers can be created either at the course or section level, similar to how requites are defined. Granting a waiver before registration allows a student to register for a class even if they do not meet the requisites without causing errors or warning during registration. During registration Colleague checks to see if the student has an eligible waiver. If a waiver exists that waives all the unmet requisites, then the student is registered for the section. If the waiver has been denied, revoked, or does not exist, the student needs an override to register for the section      


NOTE:   Waivers can be viewed in, but they cannot be edited there.


Waiver Duration: 

  • You can create a course or section waiver so it applies only to a specific term or a course waiver for a specified time frame that you define. For example, you could create a course waiver that could be good for an entire year. 
  • You cannot create a waiver with both a term and a date range. 
  • If you are creating waivers using a date range instead of a term the following is important to note to ensure that the registration process correctly associates the waiver with the student's registration.   
    1. The start date of the section for which the student is registering must fall within the waiver date range.
    2. The waiver date range does not have to match the dates for the term for the waiver to be associated with the student's registration.  
    3. If the start date of the section is outside of the waiver date range then the waiver does not apply to the registration.         


Create a requisite waiver 

Access the Student Requisite Waiver Summary (SRWS) form, and enter a student’s name for whom you want to grant a waiver.  

Access the Student’s Requisite Waiver (SRQW) form by drilling down on the next available, blank line.



Section Waiver:

Section if the requisites are defined at the section level or if the waiver can be used only for a particular section of the course. 

  • In the Reason and Comments fields, enter information about why the student is being granted the waiver. 
  • Select the requisites you want to waive using one of the following options: 
    1. Enter Yes in the Waive Previous and Previous-or-Concurrent fields to set the Waive field to Yes for all the requisites with a timing of Previous or Previous-or-Concurrent. 
    2. Enter Yes in the Waive All Requisites field to waive all of the requisites. 
    3. Enter Yes in the Waive field for the specific requisites you want to waive. 
  • Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS. 

Note: After you save the waiver it cannot be changed. If you need to change the waiver, you need to revoke the waiver and create a new waiver with the updated information.

Course Waiver:

Select Course if the requisites you want to waive are defined at the course level and the waiver can be used for any sections offered for the course. 


IMPORTANT NOTE: If there are two versions of the same course in AB (active) status at the same time, reach out to Central Data Management ( to determine which version is the correct one for the semester you’re creating the waiver.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


For a course waiver, enter either a term or a start and end date to indicate when the waiver is active. If you are creating a section waiver, the term defaults from the section information.

  • In the Reason and Comments fields, enter information about why the student is being granted the waiver. 
  • Select the requisites you want to waive using one of the following options: 
    1. Enter Yes in the Waive Previous and Previous-or-Concurrent fields to set the Waive field to Yes for all the requisites with a timing of Previous or Previous-or-Concurrent. 
    2. Enter Yes in the Waive All Requisites field to waive all of the requisites. 
    3. Enter Yes in the Waive field for the specific requisites you want to waive. 
  • Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS. 

Note: After you save the waiver it cannot be changed. If you need to change the waiver, you need to revoke the waiver and create a new waiver with the updated information. 


Deny a waiver 

Follow the steps listed in “Creating Waivers” above.

  • In the Reason and Comments fields, enter information about why the student is being denied the waiver. 
  • In the Waive All Requisites field, enter No. 
  • Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS.



Revoke a waiver

  • Access the Student Requisite Waiver Summary (SRWS) form, and enter a student’s name for whom you want to grant a waiver.
  • Access the Student’s Requisite Waiver (SRQW) form for the waiver you want to revoke.
  • In the Revoked field, enter Yes. 
  • Save your entries on SRQW and SRWS.




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