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Student Fix-it Message from the Respondus Lockdown Browser

Modified on: Fri, Sep 25 2020 12:48 PM


Some students see the fix-it message but when I go into the responders browser thing under my course tools there are no tests that indicate a problem or that the tests need to be fixed. 

Workaround Solution:

  1. Add an optional password to the exam via the optional password field we make available in the LockDown Browser Dashboard tool. Adding this password seems to allow the original problem to not occur, and the student can enter the exam. You will need to give the students the password you’ve set. You should NOT use the same internally set password that resides in the Blackboard quiz settings.
  2. Rename the exam. 
  • a) Change the quiz title to something completely different in the first 8 characters. 
  • b) In the quiz options, remove the internal password and save the settings
  • c) Open the LDB Dashboard, and took off the LDB setting for the quiz. (a fix it error was showing)
  • d) Then, using the LDB Dashboard, re-enable the LDB setting.

This should then also allow the student to enter the exam.

*This is a Known Issue that'll be resolved in a future release, no current estimated date on the release.

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