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Set up an online meeting through Skype for Business

Modified on: Wed, Jun 19 2019 10:20 AM

Set up an online meeting using classic Outlook on the web

To create an online meeting request in classic Outlook on the web, start by signing in to Outlook on the web. If signing in doesn't take you directly to your Mail, select Outlook.


1. After you've signed in and are in Mail, select  calendar icon Calendar.

2. On the calendar page, select New > Calendar event.

new calendar event

3. On the Set up an appointment page, select Add Skype meeting.

add skype meeting button

4. Fill in the meeting title, location (if you'll have in-person attendees), and the start and end times.

meeting information screen

5. Choose the people to attend, add the agenda or other meeting information, and then select Send.

Set up an online meeting using the new Outlook on the web

To create an online meeting request in classic Outlook on the web, start by signing in to Outlook on the web. If signing in doesn't take you directly to your Mail, select Outlook

outlook icon

1. After you've signed in and are in Mail, select  calendar icon Calendar.

2. On the calendar page, select New Event

3. In the window that opens, you might see one of two options: a toggle to make this a Teams or a Skype for Business meeting, or a drop-down list that will let you choose either Teams or Skype. The option you see is determined by your administrator.

meeting type dropdown

4. Fill in the meeting information as needed, including meeting attendees.

meeting details

5. Select Send.

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