Information Technology Services

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How to submit a Classroom Software Support request

Modified on: Tue, Oct 23 2018 9:24 AM

**A Classroom Software Support request must be completed for each course that has software which is installed and maintained by ITS**

Each Classroom Software Support request must include all software that will be utilized 
during the upcoming semester. The request shouldn't include any software on the standard software list, which is installed on all Forsyth Tech computers. If all the software isn't listed ITS cannot guarantee that it'll be available for the upcoming semester.

1. From the home page,, select the "Get Started" button under your division's title.


2. From the division page, select the "Select" button under your department's name.


3. From the department page, select the "New Request" button

4. From the New Request - Course Information page, enter the course number and select the "Continue" button. You'll notice that the Name, Department, and Semester will already be filled in.

5. From the New Request - Software page, select the "Yes" or "No" button depending on whether you need any software that is not on our standard software list. 

   If Yes:

      1) Adjust the Total Software Count as needed

      2) Add the Software Name (be exact)

      3) Add the Version of the software you'll be teaching during the upcoming semester (be exact, using current or latest will not be accepted)

      4) Add Special Instructions if needed, which included but are not limited to the software download link, see attachment 1, or install in Open Lab, TEC403, as well.

      5) Attach an screenshots or files necessary to convey installation or configuration steps

      6) Select the "Continue" button    

   If No:

      1) Add any additional comments

      2) Select the "Continue" button

6. From the New Request - Review, please review information for accuracy. Select the "Previous" button to edit the information or select the "Submit" button to submit the request.

7. After the request has been submitted, the classroom support specialist and you, the requester, will receive an email notification that the request has been submitted.

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