How can I see a list of my students in my Blackboard course?
Modified on: Mon, Jul 23 2018 9:34 AMIssue/Question
- How can I see a list of my students in my Blackboard course?
- How can I view my class roster?
- The Users page will appear showing the first 25 users in your course. You can increase this to 1000 by going to the Edit Paging button on the lower right side of the screen. Enter the number of users you want to see on the page and click the Go button.
- You can also get a list of students only by going to the Full Grade Center. The default number of students shown is 10. To increase this, click the Edit Rows Displayed button at the lower right side of the screen. Enter the number of students you want to see (up to 50) and click the Go button.
- The only way to print these pages is to click the PrtScn button on your computer to take a screen shot. Open the screen shot on the program of your choice (Notepad, Paint, WordPad, MS Word, etc.) and print it out. You can also download the Grade Center to a spreadsheet then print from Excel.