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How do I access Inline Grading?

Modified on: Mon, Jul 23 2018 9:30 AM


  • How do I access Inline Grading (crocodoc)? 


  • Inline Assignment Grading provides a way to grade assignments within your Blackboard course. Instead of needing to download student files to view or edit, instructors are able to view these files “inline,” i.e. in the Web browser, without the need for a plug-ins or additional software. Document types that can be viewed are Word (.doc, .docx), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx), Excel (.xls,.xlsx), and PDF (.pdf). Embedded images and formatting of the original document are preserved. 

  1. Locate the appropriate assignment’s column in the Grade Center in Blackboard. 
  2. Select the button to the right in the student’s score cell. The button won’t appear until your mouse pointer is in the cell. 
  3. Select the attempt that needs to be graded. 
  4. The submitted assignment file will be displayed in the viewer on the left of the screen. 
  5. To exit this screen, select the Exit button near the top of the Blackboard screen, on the right, to return to the Grade Center.

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