Information Technology Services

(866) 517-3567

Faculty Technology Quick Start Guide

Modified on: Tue, Oct 11 2022 9:56 AM

Follow these 7 steps to get started with the technology resources at Forsyth Tech

In this guide:

Find Employee ID #

Find TechID & Password

Setup TechID Profile

Login to Techlink

Login to Email & Office 365

Login to MyForsythTech

Setup Voicemail


1. Find Employee ID #

Each employee at Forsyth Tech is issued a Employee ID number. Your seven digit Employee ID number is provided to you by HR during new employee orientation.

2. Find TechID & Password

Each employee at Forsyth Tech has a unique TechID (username) which is used to login to Blackboard, Email, Techlink, and many more services. Your immediate supervisor will receive your TechID Welcome Letter upon completion of requesting account setup through the ITS Service Catalog.

3. Setup TechID Profile & Password Reset Profile

Before you can log in to your Student Email and other services, you will need to set up your TechID account profile and create a password.

IMPORTANT: Use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, for best results

1. To begin, visit the

3. Enter your full Forsyth Tech address (found in Step 2 above).

4. You will be re-directed to the Forsyth Tech login page. Enter your TechID & Password. (found in Step 2 above)

5. You will be prompt to setup Multifactor Authentication.

6. Install the Microsoft Authenticator app from the Playstore (For Android) or the App Store (For iPhone) then follow the prompts on the screen.

7. Once you have setup the Microsoft Authenticator app, you will then be asked to update your password.

8. Enter the temporary password you used to initially login as the Current Password and then create a new password.

Password Requirements: 

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • Must contain an Uppercase letter
  • Must contain a number OR special character
  • Cannot contain username, SSN, First name, or Last name
  • Cannot use previous 6 passwords

If you have issues initially logging in or setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app, please either call 866-517-3567 or visit Allman 106, ITS Support Center for more assistance.

If you ever forget your password or need to change it, please visit the TechID Self-Service portal

4. Login to Techlink

Using Techlink gives you access to campus information, campus events, financial information, class schedule, email, and much more.

You will need the following before you begin:
  • TechID (Step 2 in this guide...) 
  • TechID password (Step 3 in this guide...)

Visit Techlink

5. Login to Email & Office 365

Employees at Forsyth Tech have access to email through Office 365.  Note: Login with your TechID and TechID Password. 

1. Access email directly @

2. Download your free copy of Microsoft Office 365 - Click here for instructions.

Office 365 image

6. Login to MyForsythTech

In MyForsythTech you can view your finance information, access financial aid data, plan your semester & much more!

7. Setup Voicemail

Learn how to use the Fortinet IP phone and how to set up your voicemail account by viewing the "Fortinet IP Phone Guide"

View Phone Guide

8. TechAlerts

TechAlerts will notify you in the event of campus closings, emergency situation, campus events, or important reminders. Faculty, staff, and curriculum students will be automatically enrolled in the TechAlert system. Please visit your profile to verify your mobile phone number and email address is correct.

  1. Visit
  2. Select the My Account tab, if not already selected.
  3. Within the Mobile Phones or Email sections, select the Add button to enter additional contact methods to your profile.
  4. Select the Edit button (pen and paper icon) to make changes to any contact information already in the system.
  5. Select the red X next to any contact information that should no longer be listed in the alerts system.

Optional TechAlerts

You may opt into the following lists to receive important notifications such as payment reminders or ITS system outage alerts:

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